Question: OK, so I get nearly everything in the film except one thing. or r u just another usual suspect?? Answer: He never did. Antifa has found allies while the movement has grown. Question: It is clear from the last scene that Kobayashi was not a made up character just his name, but what would have happened if McManus had killed him in the building? Answer: While mostly accurate, there is one non-applicable element to the Chosen Answer on this one: everything Kujan says about Keaton is not part of Kint's fairy tale, as he is in the real world. If I were to make a list of the best crme films of the 90's it would rank number 2 (just under Pulp Fiction). I believe it's simply to show the gold watch, which. I have been in a hearing with a lock down but I have never been in hearing with a walk out. ANTIFA — Modern Minute Men for a state of the art Revolution. Was either the actor or director making a reference to the musician? Who is that? He kills their kids, he kills their wives, he kills their parents and their parents' friends . About Keyser Soze Location Close enough to Houston to say Houston; Signature We live in the rain, a sea of change You can't keep anything you take The lovely face of lives we chase is but dust for wind to tak Keyser Soze - or whatever you want to call him - he knows where I am right now. Check out Onmuga (online multiplayer games) What is the Meme Generator? Keyser's legend began when he started his criminal career as a petty drug dealer in his native, Turkey, however, when rival Hungarian smugglers invade his house while he is away, raped his wife, and hold his three children hostage; when Söze arrives, one of them kills one of … Question: At one point during the interrogation Fenster says "he'll flip ya, flip ya for real..." The Hungarian with the burnt skin likely was one of the people buying this guy from the Argentinians. He was actually killing the crew and the witness at that point. Charter has been an active Antifa member on campus for years. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-img'); While much of the truth behind the film is a little fluid, it does appear that Verbal was indeed Keaton's killer - when he finally sees his attacker's face, Keaton's look of disbelief followed by resigned acceptance would seem to indicate that he's finally figured out what's been happening, that he's been manipulated from the start, but the realisation is too late for him to do anything. Kint does leverage this brief relationship to secure Keaton's spot on the team. Answer: Fenster was running away, making it entirely clear that he had no intention of going through with the job. The movie makes it clear that the "drug heist" was actually just an excuse for Soze to kill the one man who knew his face. if you study Keaton’s facial reaction when his soon-to-be-killer came, he wasn’t scared, but was relieved and smiled because he now knows who Keyser is. Question: Is Keaton really as bad as Kujan says? Kaiser Soze doesn't exist, but it's much simpler. It is the silence of professors who watch as their colleagues are harassed, investigated, or threatened. He really vanishes off the scene by the end of the movie after he tricks Kujan. Kujan's screaming leads Verbal Kint to yell out, briefly, "I did, I did kill Keaton!" Flowey, if spared after his boss battle. Keyser Söze is a ruthless crime lord with a mythic reputation in the criminal underworld. If you read the coverage online or watch the cable networks, the extremist movement known as Antifa is either the new Al Qaeda or the new Big Foot. To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Now back in the boat Keyser shoots twice in the head a man that was being protected. Chosen answer: He needed to give the police SOME kind of explanation for all the violence at the harbor, or it would have become a big mystery like Jimmy Hoffa or Amelia Earhart's disappearances that people are always trying to solve, and then someone may have discovered more truth than he wanted. Answer: Because Verbal Kint is a sociopathic habitual liar and it fits his style of story telling. by Why Keyser Söze still rules, 20 years later. Keyser Söze also happens to share the same initials with the man who played him, Kevin Spacey. He kills their parents and their parents' friends. He knew Jon was approaching him after Dany tried to burn him with dragon fire; most likely through the eyes of the dead all around him. He's gone. Answer: I believe everything is factual up to the point they go to L.A. Answer: Every visual from Kint's tale isn't 100% believable...that's just where Kint said he was hiding. ignore that ok i think that it would be better if some of the words where changed Like Reply Report 3 months ago. Some believe the letters can be rearranged and three more letters added to spell "Robert Emmet the Hippie." The cops found that body and identified it as the rat who named 50 criminals including Soze. For the first 30-45 minutes (I have no idea how long), Izzard was on an improv-high and joked about Tampa's name and how hot it is. Today, we take a look at two of the greatest criminals with extremely high IQ in the movieverse. [Video], I have been in a hearing with a lock down, Trump supporter speaks frustration from his own experience at the Capitol [Video], Peaceful Protests! Silence kills free speech. As Virgil explained, Keyser Söze became the “spook story that criminals tell their kids at night.” Some politicians want to portray Antifa as a spook story that Republicans tell their kids at night. Separate from membership, this is to get updates about mistakes in recent releases. One little note: close inspection shows Kevin Spacey behind the gun that kills Keaton. Verbal himself said about Keaton, "He was a grounded guy, a cop. Presumably, he ran far from Hungary to flee Soze's wrath and ended up going to the Argentinians for protection. However, it is no illusion for those who have been the targets of Antifa and related groups. After the Ruins, Flowey is seemingly absent until the end of Asgore's battle. Underground, no one has ever seen him again. Agent Kujon confirms the lineup and taxi service bust. Soze ended up back under arrest and for some questioning as ', With the exception of what's known to have happened on the dock, the entire story is a lie told by. So the entire purpose, which cost the lives of everyone, was of Keyser Soze wanting to kill the only man who can put his name and his face together, but at the end the cop knows who Keyser Soze is and would have plenty of mug shots and fingerprints of him. It’s more about urban poor verses Country poor and the good news for the country folk is they know how to use guns and will eventually just eliminate the urban problem. Many associated groups are part of Anti-Racist Action and a loose coordinating organization known as the Torch Network. As Verbal he could tell a story to the police that implicated Keaton as Soze and he could disappear again. Answer: Keyser Soze killed the informant, Verbal was telling the cop his version of what happened to the cop and the movie going audience, to misdirect everyone. He literally told them what he was going to do. There’s much more to the film Seven than the villain, though. He burns down the houses they live in and the stores they work in, he kills people that owe them money. Unless you want the ending of a GREAT movie spoiled for you, DO NOT read any of the definitions below. Thus his identity would be out in the open (lots of people seemed to know who Verbal Kint was after all). In the film, the criminals are rounded up without any evidence specifically pointing to them. The point is, he's telling so many lies and making up all these stories, so it's got to a point that they don't even know his real nationality. As Virgil explained, Keyser Söze became the “spook story that criminals tell their kids at night.” Some politicians want to portray Antifa as a spook story that Republicans tell their kids at night. That may be the brilliance of it. If he has already accomplished all his goals (killing the witness and killing the 3 remaining thieves), why do we see him later as Verbal Kint in the police station? He's the only person left in the world who's seen Keyser Soze's face. It simply took inaction from our government and silence from our citizens. Flowey's message on an Echo Flower if Toriel was killed. Question: How did Soze end up in the police station after he escaped the boat in the first place? Answer: You're missing the point: Verbal is making much of the story up. Antifa was founded on a rejection of formal structures and leaders. Who is that? Which events actually happened, and which ones did Verbal make up? _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Five actors played the part of Keyser Soze: Gabriel Byrne's and Kevin Spacey's faces are shown as Keyser Soze. The casting is perfect. Once he's out, he vanishes back into the underground from where he came. But it is winning mostly since people remain silent. Question: Verbal is presented as a person who has worked with Keaton presumably for some time to have earned his trust. Verbal/Soze said it himself; he wouldn't come this close to getting caught and then stick his neck out again. Keyser Soze says: February 2, 2021 at 9:06 pm ... as do just about everyone I know or have seen reports of. Kint/Soze ended up in the police station because he simply didn't get away in time. But after the conversation with the police officer the cop would know that. Like Söze himself, The Usual Suspect ’s climactic … I believe this to be true as well. to kill … No doubt “The Usual Suspect” stands apart from the normal Scorsese or Terentino movies about mobsters. The point of the film is to show how much of a mystery Keyser Soze is, that even after all of that, no one knows who he is. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. True, many of these statements are taken from Verbal's tale, so they cannot be taken as being definitive, but they must contain a reasonable element of truth or Kujan, who is clearly familiar with Keaton's file, would have picked up on it. Chosen answer: I believe it's simply to show the gold watch, which Verbal gets back at the end, same as the gold lighter they show in the beginning. How did Soze end up in the police station after he escaped the boat in the first place? The point of the film is to show how much of a mystery Keyser Soze is, that even after all of that, no one knows who he is. To know when people like your submissions, answer your questions, reply to you, etc., please. But since Verbal is really Keyser Soze, this would mean that Soze had been "underground" as Verbal for quite awhile establishing his relationship with Keaton. The dramatic ending of the hearing however quickly supplanted the underlying issue. How they got on the boat and took out the Argentinians could have actually happened in a million different ways. As such, he was killed, both as revenge for crossing Soze and to make it clear to his erstwhile cohorts that attempting to flee was not a viable option. He's the only person left in the world who's seen Keyser Soze's face. As I stated in my testimony, I am less concerned with Antifa’s role in the protests as its role in the growing anti-free speech movement in the United States. He kills their wives. Dave Kujan, and succeeds in his plan to kill the one man who could identify him to … The unharmed guy is Verbal Kint. You think a guy like that comes this close to getting caught, and sticks his head out? You let her kill you and everyone see's exactly what they expect to see if the Night King dies. The Antifa handbook states how the group has rejected the idea of free speech and has spent years organizing protests to prevent opposing views from getting heard. I was like “That’s it/ THAT’S the twist ending that everyone was talknig about so much that they even mention it in the synopsis I just SAW this twist ending, done better, in Fight Club.” So yeah, I knew M. night Shama-lama-ding-dong was a hack from the get-go. STOP! Did he really kill all those people and set up all those deals? Friday, August 14, 2015 ... near-mythical gangster named Keyser Söze who is so ruthless, he kills … While it's only mentioned in passing, Soze murders Finneran to avoid being implicated. Pollack is then shot in the back as he looks at the money in the back of the van. By Brandon Griggs, CNN. Verbal Kint: You think you can catch Keyser Soze? The man he shoots in the head twice is the only man who can ID him. It is all about revolutionary change and using demonstrations to trigger greater social unrest. While "Kobayashi" vs Verbal Kint as Keyser Soze wasn't exactly explicitly stated, it should be noted that there were only three people who knew Keyser Soze's real identity: the Hungarian man, Kobayashi, and Verbal Kint. That fact is that Antifa works to strike fear not in the heart of Trump but in the heart of anyone who will oppose the movement. As Verbal is later found out to in fact be Soze, what is the significance of the rope, surely no one is hiding there? Nancy Pelosi has called for the revocation of a permit for a conservative prayer group viewed as a security matter in San Francisco. Question: Why does Keaton ask Soze/Verbal in the opening scene what time it is? Question: I'm a little slow on drug slang, so is the drug on the boat cocaine or marijuana? So he spins his story until he's free to go, putting in enough truths to keep Kujan interested and play up to his theory that Keaton might be Söze, then just walks straight out of the building. But he won't ever catch up to him. Both far left and far right groups have been identified in riots in various cities. Similarly, did Keyser Soze exist? In the flashback sequence, Keyser Soze is played by a man with long hair that obscures his face--this was one of the grips, chosen because he was unable to … The whole affair just joins the increasing list of stories surrounding the quasi-mythical figure of Keyser Söze. Plot spoiler. When Kevin Spacey returns to the van later in the boat scene, we see Pollack's dead body lying on the ground behind the van, however the dead body of the man who Pollack killed has disappeared. var _g1; I'm a little slow on drug slang, so is the drug on the boat cocaine or marijuana? Notably in the last week, Richmond police identified both Antifa and the Boogaloo Boys in violent protests in that city. “Singer said, ‘I want you to put on the hat, and the coat, and the gun, and I want you to shoot him,’” Byrne recalled in a featurette for the 2002 special edition DVD. Sometimes it's difficult to tell which events are real and which aren't. Finally, it is the silence of those politicians who dismiss the destruction of property as a case, in the words of Pelosi, that “people will do what people will do.”. Looking for games to play during your virtual game night? Thursday, June 19, 2008 . I recently watched a documentary about Thelonious Monk in which he makes a near-identical statement at 1:07:41 - “Political” or otherwise. Because he had personally seen the man who had come onto the ship, killed everyone, and then blown it up. Surely that was not part of the plan. Antifa has achieved the agenda against free speech to a degree that even critics like me never imagined possible. He ended up keeping it because he thought it was funny. How they got on the boat and took out the Argentinians could have actually happened in a million different ways. var _g1; Trump impeachment trial distraction. As Verbal is the one that is shooting Keaton? _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); For example, he tells the story as if Soze is Hungarian and killed his wife and kids, but we know this isn't true, because Kint is Soze and he's American. If Holmes ever caught up with Soze, he could easily kill Soze with Watson's help. %privacy_policy%. } Verbal Kint: The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. Question: Plot spoiler. George Washington University student Jason Charter has been charged as the alleged “ringleader” of efforts to take down statues across the capital. You can unsubscribe at any time. Answer: From what I've heard much of Fenster's dialogue was ad-libbed by Benicio del Toro, so most likely he'd seen the same documentary, or is a Monk fan and came up with that himself. Doesn't that mean he saw his face? If I were to make a list of the best crme films of the 90's it would rank number 2 (just under Pulp Fiction). Which events actually happened, and which ones did. Answer: Each of them has unknowingly crossed him in some manner. They realized that to be in power, you didn’t need guns or money or even numbers. Also, was it Verbal at the start that killed Keaton? Question: Why did Keyser Söze (Verbal Kint) plot to kill/eliminate all the 'Usual Suspects'? Answer: What we're seeing in the film is a Keaton who's trying to reform, inspired by his relationship with Edie Finneran. Rat on your pop, and Keyser Soze will get you. STOP! Zerohedge I'll kill everyone. JayTe Like Reply Report 2 months ago. Question: What does Verbal Kint leave the police station with? I don't know if this is a plot hole or if it's an error on Söze's part, but wouldn't the story he told the cop pretty much make killing the guy who could identify him irrelevant? And like that, he's gone. As Virgil explained, Keyser Söze became the “spook story that criminals tell their kids at night.” Some politicians want to portray Antifa as a spook story that Republicans tell their kids at night. Answer: The guy killed on the boat not only knew what Soze looked like but claimed he could expose "all of his operations." That the cops did not get the clues until after he was released and escaped much later demonstrated how Keyser Soze could control whatever situation he was in, including outsmarting experienced veteran police detectives. Answer: Keyser Soze, being built up as the meticulous mastermind that he is, would not have gone through all that just to kill the wrong guy. He never really vanished, he's just playing two parts/people. Confusing everyone until the revelation at the end of the movie. While "Kobayashi" vs Verbal Kint as Keyser Soze wasn't exactly explicitly stated, it should be noted that there were only three people who knew Keyser Soze's real identity: the Hungarian man, Kobayashi, and Verbal Kint. } catch(e) {}, try { if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { When Kobayashi comes to see the men and shows them all that evidence he has on them, he mentions to them about the drug deal and refers to it as Cocaine. The answer is that Antifa is not an ally to Black Lives Matter. Kaiser Soze doesn't exist, but it's much simpler. The man he shoots in the head twice is the only man who can ID him. In roughly 50 hearings as a witness in Congress, that was a first for me. So, for example, Verbal's description of the attack on New York's Finest Taxi Service would have been substantially factual, as he wouldn't want to risk contradicting anything that the police might have found out from witnesses. He may be Keyser Soze or an alter-ego variant but even Keysers rep is subject to question as it was told by the same liar. This was after Antifa had been involved in numerous acts of violence and its website was banned in Germany. He was actually killing the crew and the witness at that point. Answer: Dope generally refers to marijuana but it is cocaine in the deal. In the film, the criminals are rounded up without any evidence specifically pointing to them. Answer: It didn't matter anyway as they say at the beginning of the movie he was granted full immunity for his testimony so even if they figure out he is Soze they can't prosecute him for any crime as it would be covered by his immunity deal. But if this is true, why was the time 12:30 when Keaton asks and why even keep the line where he asks the time if they didn't keep the scene with the time bomb? So how is it he missed a girl running across the battlefield coming straight towards him. In that case, why stick around and show said face to everyone? Soze has, as is stated in the movie, encountered Keaton previously in his "Verbal" persona, although Keaton specifically states that they've met "once or twice before", which suggests that they haven't actually worked together. He's changing facts and events to lead Kujan to think Keaton is Sose. Verbal's back story shows that Keyser Soze is a dangerous man to deal with and the police wanting information about a man who should never be crossed is the last thing he wants to start discussing. I'm pretty sure it's cocaine as 91,000,000 dollars of marijuana sounds a bit ludicrous, but it's referred to by Kujan as Dope, which in the UK means pot/marijuana. Keyser Soze! Question: What was the point of Kint using names on the wall and coffee cup if he already had a story he told to the DA that checked out? The title comes from a line in the classic film Casablanca (1942) (1942), where the corrupt police chief, anxious to cover up the murder of a Nazi officer, tells a subordinate to "round up the usual suspects," meaning that the police should find a bunch of random criminals to be questioned. He never did. Who is the man in the hospital (60% of skin burnt) and how does he know the portrait of Keyzer Soze. It's a free online image maker that allows you to add custom resizable text to images. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. Help us grow. He's basically confessed to murder, which would surely change the situation? It is part of what Attorney General William Barr refers to as the “witches brew of violent groups on both sides” such as Antifa and some other similar groups. I'll kill everyone you love. While I oppose designating Antifa as a terrorist organization, its existence is certainly not a myth. That film had one of the cinema’s greatest villains ever in Keyser Soze, played by Kevin Spacey, who would go on to win the Oscar a few months later for his portrayal of Soze. Could someone correct my slang and tell me what is on the boat? Answer: So I think the movie is implying that Verbal is behind the ropes, which later we learn is a lie. On the other hand, in order to survive, my laboring-class must slowly and carefully hit the nail on the head, avoid pinch points and sheer points, and take great care not to offend men of your educated middle-class. eddie izzard, stripped I traveled down to Tampa on the 17th to see Eddie Izzard's show "Stripped." In the film “The Usual Suspects,” the character Virgil described the invisible villain Keyser Söze. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); The dramatic ending of the hearing however quickly supplanted the underlying issue. It primarily targets conservatives and the free speech community, so it has not been a major concern of liberals. We cannot assume that the suspects crossed Keyser in any way as we cannot assume any of the story is true, therefore it could be because they crossed him or simply because they know his face. It follows the same purpose mistakenly spoken by former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley following those riots during the Democratic National Convention in 1968, “The police are not here to create disorder. } catch(e) {}, by Nobody's ever seen him since. The entire movie is about a habitual liar making up a story about what happened on the dock. The Usual Suspects is a 1995 neo-noir mystery thriller film directed by Bryan Singer and written by Christopher McQuarrie.It stars Stephen Baldwin, Gabriel Byrne, Benicio del Toro, Kevin Pollak, Chazz Palminteri, Pete Postlethwaite, and Kevin Spacey.. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); The Usual Suspects is probably one of the best mysteries ever. All rights reserved. It's not necessary for Soze to have spent years underground masquerading as Kint for this to be the case, just that he use the persona on those occasions when he was in the right area. Why Keyser Söze still rules, 20 years later . He kills their kids. He is “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the … House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler even insisted that violence by Antifa is a myth and called the accounts imaginary. On the boat, the only person that knew what Keyser Soze looked like was Arturo. For all we know, verbal went on the boat with them, and then killed them, which is more likely as it is an extra gun. He started using them before Kujan found out about the person Keyser Soze. Job's done, the only person who could positively identify him is dead. Answer: One of the Hungarians from the ship who survived the fire. Keyser Söze has since captivated the popular imagination. Their attempt fails when Kobayashi informs them that Soze’s people are prepared to kill a family member of each of them if they try to back out. He kills their kids, he kills their wives, he kills their parents and their parents' friends. He is a notorious criminal mastermind who poses as a petty criminal and engineers a complicated scheme to kill a man who could identify him to the police. Itoboi June 30, 2011. Using his skills as a con artist and criminal mastermind, Söze outsmarts every single policeman throughout the film, including Det. If he comes up for anything it'll be to get rid of me. “Who is Keyser soze”? Ask any one of the “leaders” about any topic on foreign relations, trade, etc and its deer in the headlights. Antifa was founded on a rejection of formal structures and leaders. ANTIFA rings in New Year with pig head outside Pelosi home, The shaky science behind the “deadly new strains” of Sars-Cov-2, Doctor with Bioweapons Expertise Calls COVID-19 Vaccines ‘Weaponized Medicine’. Presumably, he ran far from Hungary to flee Soze's wrath and ended up going to the Argentinians for protection. A shame it took society about 10 years to catch up. ? Is Verbal hiding there? Answer: Verbal Kint says himself that in his opinion, Soze will disappear back underground forever. The director actually wanted to retake Benicio's line because he didn't think it was understandable. As for the other three "suspects", it seems likely from what's shown in the film that Verbal killed Hockney and McManus personally. We think he is until we know better but by then it is too late, just like it was too late when Keaton finally realised the truth. Pollack is then shot in the back as he looks at the money in the back of the van. All he needs to do is keep Kujan occupied until he posts bail, then he's out and away. Why Antifa Is The ‘Keyser Söze’ Of Social Unrest. Kint (Keyser Soze) was toying with the cops, using names within the interrogation room to see if the cops were really paying attention, who were so engrossed in the story of Keyser Soze they did not see what Kint was doing or the clues being offered to them, such as throwing out unrelated bits about him being in a barber shop quartet in Skokie, Illinois, which was on the dry-erase board in the interrogation room. 84 reviews of Keyser Soze "It's well worth exploring the side streets off of Oranienburger Sraße as bars like Keyser soze tend to be cheaper and are frequented by more interesting people." Who is the man in the hospital (60% of skin burnt) and how does he know the portrait of Keyzer Soze. Kobayashi then forces the issue further by revealing what he knows about their families, making it clear that, if they kill him, their loved ones will suffer. In the climactic boat scene when Kevin Pollack runs back from the boat to the van full of money he shoots the man standing by the back of the van. Because he felt the storming of the ship was a 5 man job, and he knew Keaton had several murders along with a storied past in his history that made him a reliable and strong team member. The Hungarian with the burnt skin likely was one of the people buying this guy from the Argentinians. Who killed Fenster is somewhat less obvious; most likely he was slain by "Kobayashi", or agents working for him, after he tried to run. He was telling on himself as sociopaths will do when they think they're smarter than everyone around them. You just needed the … Answer: They were briefly in lockup together months earlier where Kint got a "6 month suspended sentence" as divulged early in the film. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Answer: Simple answer, its all part of the con. Below is my column in the Hill newspaper on yesterday’s hearing in the Senate, which ended abruptly with Sen. Hirono walking out after a confrontation with Sen. Cruz over his objection that the Democrats were avoiding direct criticism of Antifa. Design and text © 1996 - 2021 Jon Sandys. But Soze still needs to keep informed about players and events in the criminal fraternity, so it makes reasonable sense that he would have a number of fake identities that he could use to keep tabs on things directly when necessary. I always thought that the real reason for the whole mission was not to kill the one guy who could identify Keyser Söze, but rather to kill the people involved in … It isn’t about rich and poor – It’s about moral standards that are different between urban and rural people and to be honest if the urban people try to force their beliefs on us country folk we are simple… Read more ». The rope is a metaphor for the story/deception; wound together to obscure the truth. How does Arturo Marquez end up on the boat in the custody of the Argentinians? Answer: Soze, as is established in the movie, tends to work anonymously or through intermediaries, with the result that, generally speaking, those working for him are unaware of their actual employer. Contact me | Privacy policy | Join the mailing list | Links. r u? Can we really expect that Soze would have been "playing the part of Verbal" for the length of time, presumably years, he would need to in order to establish a bond of trust with Keaton? Through an extremely complicated plan he succeeds and the movie treats him as a genius.
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