Constellation returned to San Diego on 7 November and the offloaded sailors were transported back to the dock on 9 November, but only 8 boarded their ship. The carrier was nearing the end of her scheduled deployment when her tour was extended to meet the threat posed by the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive. The eight-month deployment ended in December, having totaled losses of 16 aircraft and 20 personnel, including seven KIAs and eight POWs. Following a total of 128 days on the line, Constellation's nine-month deployment ended in May, with CVW-14 suffering the loss of seven total aircraft, five to enemy action. [2] It was during this deployment that the Connie gained her motto, "Go Ahead Make My Day", which was painted on the ship's island; a direct quote from President Ronald Reagan in response to terrorist threats made against Connie when she responded to the American hostage crisis of 1985 TWA Flight 847. Updated Dec 19, 2020; Posted Dec 19, 2020 Smoke rises from the fire aboard the navy aircraft carrier USS Constellation at the Brooklyn Navy Yard on the East River in … Tickets. During the deployment, Constellation appears to have been under the direction of Commander Carrier Division 9. On 23 November, she became the first carrier to enter the Persian Gulf since 1949. During May–June 1994 Connie and CVW-2 participated in RIMPAC exercises, and on 10 November departed San Diego for an extended deployment for the first time in six years. USS Constellation (CV-64), a Kitty Hawk-class supercarrier, was the third ship of the United States Navy to be named in honor of the "new constellation of stars" on the flag of the United States. On 5 August both carriers launched Operation Pierce Arrow, a series of air strikes on a North Vietnamese oil facility and naval vessels. Explore. Following exercises with the air forces of several South American countries, including Gringo-Gaucho with the Argentine Navy, while en route and preparations at Norfolk, Virginia, Constellation entered Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Pa., in July to begin an $800-million, three-year Service Life Extension Program (SLEP). ; 1184 people have joined this week. [citation needed]. Mt 23 was situated on the port side of the island just forward of the boiler uptakes. // ]]> In 1996, the aircraft carrier is featured in an episode of Home Improvement, season 6, episode 1. On 2 December 2003, the ship was stricken (formally removed from the Naval Vessel Register) when Admiral Vern Clark decided against expenditure of maintenance costs. Subsequently, both Constellation and CVW-15 were awarded a NUC for this deployment. The deployment ended in mid-October.[2]. She left port on three screws with the final repairs to the fourth screw being completed at Subic Bay, Philippines. This page is ONLY for sharing about the Connie. During the 1981 workup cycle President Ronald Reagan visited Constellation on 20 August 1981 and proclaimed the carrier "America's Flagship" while presenting the crew a presidential flag and announcing to the crew: "Let friend and foe alike know that America has the muscle to back up its words, and ships like this and men like you are that muscle. Het was het tweede zeilschip van de Amerikaanse Marine die genoemd werd met deze vermaarde naam. During the conflagration, an over-temperature alarm sounded for the Mt. Following fitting out and acceptance trials, Constellation departed her home port of Norfolk, Virginia, on 7 February 1962 for initial air operations off the Virginia Capes. The U.S. Navy will name its first FFG(X) guided-missile frigate as USS Constellation (FFG-62), USNI News reported citing an announcement made by Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Kenneth Braithwaite on Oct. 7. In January 1983, Constellation entered the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard for a 13-month complex overhaul, during which the ship's Terrier missile system was replaced with NATO Sea Sparrow, the Phalanx Close-In Weapon System was added and modifications were made to allow the carrier to operate the new F/A-18A Hornet strike aircraft. Round-the-clock repairs by the crew assisted by civilian contractors got the ship ready for deployment, on schedule. Following an upkeep period at Subic Bay, Philippines, Constellation reached Hong Kong for a port visit on 27 July, but within a few days was called back into action. Connie departed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 9 September with dependents on board for the traditional Tiger Cruise on the final leg to San Diego. At noon 3 November a group of 50 black sailors began a sit-in on a portion of the mess deck. Upon her return Constellation began a nine-month major shipyard overhaul, her second since commissioning. Kenneth E. Enney in an A-7 Corsair II. One of the fastest ships in the Navy, as proven by her victory during a battlegroup race held in 1985, she was nicknamed "Connie" by her crew and officially as "America's Flagship". Constellation returned to San Diego in December after her seven-month combat cruise, having lost 16 aircrewmen and 15 aircraft. For their performance in 1985, Connie's crew earned the Meritorius Unit Commendation, and the ship herself received the Secretary of the Navy's Environmental Protection Award. Three explosions rocked the ship and the crew went into General Quarters. Things quickly turned out to be anything but routine. Seven aircraft were lost, two aircrewmen were reported KIA and two became POWs. She was commissioned on 27 October 1961, with Captain T. J. Walker in command. F/MM was awarded a fixed-price incentive (firm target) contract for Detail Design and Construction (DD&C) for up to 10 ships in the program—the lead ship plus nine option ships. Fifteen aircraft were destroyed, nine due to enemy action. According to information released by the U.S. navy website on October 7, She conducted her first catapult launch and arrested landing the same day with Commander George C. Watkins, air group (CVG) 13 commander, at the controls of an A4D-2 Skyhawk of Attack Squadron 34. Connie deployed from February to August 1985 with CVW-14 embarked, marking the first deployment for the F/A-18. The Constellation/CVW-9 team received the Presidential Unit Citation for their outstanding efforts. On 28 August, she entered the Persian Gulf and in ten weeks conducted more than 5,000 sorties and 1,256 OSW sorties. Learn more about Maryland's naval and maritime history. CONSTELLATION CVA/CV-64 ASSOCIATION TEXAS MINI REUNION - 2020 College Station, Texas April 21, 22 & 23, 2020 (Tuesday-Thursday) Holiday Inn Express 1203 University Dr. College Station, Texas 77840 Central Reservations: 1-888-653-4858 Front Desk (preferred) 1-979-846-8700 December 2, 2020 December 5, 2020 DP Staff Writer 0 Comments Constellation-class frigate, FFG(X), Frigate, U.S. Navy (USN), USA, USS Congress, USS Congress (FFG-63) The U.S. Secretary of the Navy Kenneth J. Braithwaite announced that the U.S. Navy’s second FFG(X) Constellation-class frigate will be named the USS Congress (FFG 63). [17], As of 26 January 2012, the Navy's Naval Sea Systems Command posted a notice of solicitation for the towing and complete dismantlement of multiple CV-59/CV-63 Class Aircraft Carriers in the United States, to include ex-Forrestal, ex-Independence, and ex-USS Constellation. Despite discussions about turning the battle group around, the carrier was allowed to complete her regularly scheduled deployment. var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-1359270-3"); [16], According to news reports in February 2008, Constellation was scheduled to be disposed of by dismantling in the next five years, along with USS Independence. Constellation (CVA/CV 64) Association Last modified: December 14, 2020 23 CIWS 20 mm ammunition magazine. [18], Constellation was scrapped at Brownsville, Texas starting in early 2015. Constellation actually was underway to Naval Air Station North Island with a number of "tigers" (children of crew members) on that day. [5] The extensive damage cost 75 million dollars to repair, and delayed the commissioning date by seven months, leading to a rumor that the ship that had burned in New York was Kitty Hawk (CV-63) and the fire caused the Navy to change the names and hull number designations between the two sister ships that were being built simultaneously in separate shipyards in separate states. Twelve received general discharges, 35 were honorably discharged but not recommended for re-enlistment, and 73 received punishments ranging from loss of pay and reduction in rate to warnings prior to being reassigned to sea duty.[10][11]. In the interest of safety for racers and staff, the USS Constellation Cup has been cancelled for 2020. On 1 June a Sea Control Squadron 38 (VS-38) S-3B Viking crewed by Lieutenant Hartley Postlethwaite, Lieutenant (junior grade) Arthur Gutting and Constellation Commanding Officer, Captain John W. Miller, recorded Constellation's 395,710th and final arrested landing. Connie was designated a night carrier and remained on station throughout the major ground combat phase. On 1 November, black sailors waylaid a white mess cook in a passageway and broke his jaw. Constellation's next deployment, from September 1978 to May 1979, was originally scheduled to end in March but was extended due to her sortie into the Indian Ocean in reaction to a political crisis in Yemen. Constellation's 20th deployment began on 16 March 2001. She launched more than 1,500 sorties and CVW-2 aircraft delivered over 1.7 million pounds (770,000 kg) of ordnance. With CVW-2 assigned, Connie departed Mayport on 29 May and conducted exercises with various South American air forces while en route to San Diego, where she arrived on 22 July 1993. During an April to October 1987 deployment, Connie conducted air operations in support of Operation Earnest Will, the escorting of re-flagged Kuwaiti tankers in the Persian Gulf as a result of Iranian attacks against international shipping. The story tells of the events aboard the ship before, during, and after the September 11 attacks. According to information released by the U.S. navy website on October 7, 2020, U.S. Secretary of the U.S. Navy Kenneth J. Braithwaite announced USS Constellation (FFG 62) as the name for the first ship in the new Guided Missile Frigate (FFG(X)) class of ships.Follow Navy Recognition on Google News at this link, An artist rendering of the U.S. Navy guided-missile frigate FFG(X). "[12] Under the command of Captain Dennis M Brooks USN Constellation sailed to the western Pacific and Indian Ocean from October 1981 to May 1982. During a mission on 28 March 1970, the VF-142 F-4 crew of Lieutenant Jerome E. Beaulier and Lieutenant Steven J. Barkley downed a North Vietnamese MiG-21 jet fighter. Constellation returned to the United States on 1 July and prepared to return to the western Pacific in early 1973. She was redesignated a CV on 30 June 1975. The fuel was ignited perhaps by a cutting torch of a fitter, and then moved to a wooden scaffolding. [4], USS Constellation was heavily damaged by fire while under construction on 19 December 1960. [2] At that time, she had cost about US$264.5 million. This period was highlighted by air strikes against two Iraqi radar stations and an attempt by VF-2 to engage an Iraqi jet with the long-range Phoenix air-to-air missile on 14 September. – The Navy will name the first of its new class of frigates USS Constellation (FFG-62), in a nod to one of the original six frigates the Navy bought just after the Revolutionary War. A first shipyard period for Constellation followed, lasting eight months; then workups commenced for her first full-blown war cruise. [14] This West-Pac deployment ended six months later at San Diego on 1 June 1989.[2]. Compared to an FF Knox-class destroyer concept that emerged under a February 2014 restructuring of the LCS program, the FFG(X) is to have increased AAW and EMW capability, and enhanced survivability.The ship’s area-defense AAW system is to be capable of local area AAW, meaning a form of area-defense AAW that extends to a lesser range than the area defense AAW that can be provided by the Navy’s cruisers and destroyers. Connie arrived in San Diego on Friday 14 September and celebrated her 40th birthday the next month. This page was last edited on 25 January 2021, at 04:38. Constellation departed San Diego on 18 June 1999 for the Korean Peninsula to monitor the situation. On the night of 3–4 November 60 black sailors took control of the scheduled meeting, refused to leave the mess deck, and threatened to "tear up the ship." USS Constellation may refer to: . She entered the Persian Gulf on 30 April and immediately commenced operations in support of OSW. Four industry teams were competing for the FFG(X) program. With the overhaul completed in April 1976, Connie could now operate both the new S-3A Viking and F-14A Tomcat. In November Constellation, with CVG-14 on board, commenced workup exercises for her upcoming maiden deployment to the western Pacific as a component of the U.S. The six-month cruise ended on 24 December 1974. The uneventful cruise took place from February to September 1963. [21] Scrapping was complete on 10 May 2017 when the last propeller shaft strut was pulled from the water.[22]. "[5], It took 17 hours for firefighters to extinguish the fire, some of whom had been "driven to the raw edge of exhaustion" after being called into service in the Park Slope air accident. [2], Connie departed the gulf on 17 April and steamed for San Diego for the last time. Air operations commenced with strikes against mainly logistic targets in Laos as well as reconnaissance missions over North Vietnam into 1972. CAPT Smith explained that upon the FFG 62 lead ship contract award, the vessel contained more than 96% US content by value. There are 17425 items in the Brickset database. Connie and CVW-14 were awarded a Navy Unit Commendation (NUC) for the early August operations. Constellation's next deployment, from 1 April to 1 October 1997, included a return to the Persian Gulf for Southern Watch, now under control of the United States Fifth Fleet. The Constellation/CVW-14 team deployed on 1 December 1988 for the Indian Ocean. ... ©2006-2020, Nautical Research Guild. ... the venerable wooden-hulled, 38-gun USS Constellation. The contract also includes options for nine additional ships, which if exercised, will bring the total value to $5.58bn. Both the carrier and CVW-14 received a NUC. After the long battle fighting the main space and collateral fires, there were no fatalities. On 11 January 1995, the Constellation battle group entered the Persian Gulf to take up station in support of Operation Southern Watch (OSW), enforcing the no-fly zone over southern Iraq. [2] On 2 October 1969, there was an accident caused when the tail rotor came off of a helicopter just before landing on the flight deck. As preparations for a 1987 deployment proceeded, it was announced that Constellation had earned the coveted Pacific Fleet Battle Efficiency Award (Battle Efficiency E) for the 18-month period ending on 30 June 1986. This website uses cookies to manage authentication, navigation, and other functions. With CVW-14 embarked, the carrier operated first on Dixie Station (a patrol area about 60 miles (97 km) off South Vietnam) with strikes in the Iron Triangle region, and then moved north to Yankee Station (a patrol area about 50 miles (80 km) off North Vietnam) for a total of 121 days on the line.
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