The scene in Archer's dream at the cemetery. Didnt know that Star Trek could get so..'Sexual' Are Trip and T'Pol men? Trip backed T'Pol up forcefully, walking her across the small living quarters, T'Pol less than interested in where he was sending her consumed as she was by his physical presence. As Enterprise warps away to continue its mission, T'Pol and Tucker walk down the corridor together. "Shadows of P'Jem," the first time (of many) when Archer fights to keep T'Pol on Enterprise, even when T'Pol isn't fighting. I love how she quietly goes along with the "extensive injuries" ploy of Phlox and Archer at the end. Archer turned out the light and lay beside T'Pol … After making their final trip to Coridan, Trip and Malcolm joined T’Pol and Hoshi in the Captain’s Ready room. Phlox and T'Pol both fall to Xindi weapons fire but Archer, despite being shot twice, manages to complete the procedure to overload the engines before he collapses. Close. Exact Words: T'Pol points out that she ordered them to prepare to leave orbit, rather than leave orbit. Phlox begins treating the affected crew, who are slowly starting to recover. T'Pol remembers the journey to Ceti Alpha 5 and makes a decision. T'Pol stepped inside her quarters. After previously offending the Kreetassans, Enterprise attempts to make a better second impression, only to upset the alien race once again. The relationship between T'Pol and Trip Tucker is a complex one. Chapter 2 (A/T'P, Drama/Romance PG-13) Archer and T'Pol witness the building of the colony. T'Pol: The aliens got away, and also killed our probes. Early career. Initially, the two had a somewhat combative association. "Damn, Cap'n, I can't be your First Officer," Trip protested. The baby was born using DNA samples obtained of the two and bred by a terrorist group headed by a radical separatist Paxton who believed earth should defend itself from alien worlds.") This is the Vulcan heart. Posted by 13 hours ago [ENT] I just watched T'pol and Trip kiss for the first time and it made my night. Archer assigns her to search for a particular warp signature and, just as she is about to leave, he calls her back in with news that he is promoting her to first officer, Finally dismissed by Archer, T’Pol exits. T'pol is called back to Earth to give a keynote speech at the launch of Pike's Enterprise's first five-year mission in 2257. She met the Captain's eyes. "With T'Pol leaving, Trip, you are doing double duty," said Archer. T'Pol frees Forrest from the brig and the duo takes control of the bridge. 5. Later, Archer has another realization: the target of the sabotage wasn't the cloak — it was the ship's internal sensors. the capital city on Vulcan, young T'Pol had and cared for a pet Sehlat. "You're my First Officer and Chief Engineer now." Trip and T'Pol learn that they have a child. Archer gave T’Pol a reassuring smile. T'Pol and Sato are disturbed to see that many of the people on the streets of the city are afflicted with lesions. Dead Stop. "I will, T'Pol. T’Pol then lets Archer know that they have likely entered Tholian-occupied space. As the crew recovers from the effects of the pheromones, Trip finally gets T'Pol to admit that she wants him to stay on the ship. It's been thirty years since she retired her commission with Starfleet, forty years since the loss of Hoshi, and almost ninety since the end of Archer's original ten-year voyage, and even longer since she lost Elizabeth. This last comment caught Archer off guard. T’Pol is not amused when various twin … Chapter 1 (A/T'P, Drama/Romance PG-13) T'Pol asks Archer a question. Enterprise’s mission was to open a dialog with these people. 1 0. Directed by David Straiton. T'Pol studied Archer as he quietly approached the bed. LOL! Stay connected with ELLS International. "Yes, you can," said Archer then he looked at T'Pol. The after-effects will last for a few days. Defeated, the Orion women return to their ship. StarTrek: Enterprise, K, English, Sci-Fi, chapters: 6, words: 8k+, favs: 11, follows: 3, 10/25/2005 , J. Archer, T'Pol ARCHER: I'll have T'Pol see if she can find out what we did, but I'm not promising anything. Captain Archer told T’Pol, as first officer, she had to figure out a way to give them something to do for the 5 weeks they had before they reached Jupiter Station. T'Pol's great-grandma putting her dress on backwards. During one particular period of her early career, T'Pol operated as an agent Archer orders the destruction of a Vulcan ship (much to the dismay of T'Pol) and is the hero of the fight. Raised in a house near . Archer: Well, let's just continue towards Earth. Hoshi is annoyed to discover that the Amazon River has been renamed after her. They each would do whatever they could to make this first contact a success. conducted in adulthood. Archer … Archer rekindles a romance with a fellow Starfleet captain, while Trip goes to the planet Vulcan with T’Pol to meet her family. t'pol star trek original series. That will no doubt please the coveted 65-95 demographic. Hoist by Their Own Petard: Enterprise disables the Malurian ship by beaming their mining reactor in front of them and detonating it. She is best known for playing the Vulcan first officer and science officer T'Pol on the UPN science-fiction series Star Trek: Enterprise.Her range of work includes guest-star spots on television series and films. 5 years ago. With Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating. "I will be fine, Captain. T'Pol blinked and it was some manner of wordless speech. A Night in Sickbay. T'Pol just stood in the doorway and watched the Captain leave. Star Trek: Enterprise - "The Augments" Season 4 Episode 6 (7/8) Trip and T'Pol Saved by David Thibaut Enterprise Nx 01 Star Trek Enterprise Star Trek Voyager Jolene Blalock Best … "I love you T'Lin" Archer whispered. Lv 4. She turned to enter, but then stopped and turned back. During the third season of Enterprise, while the ship was engaged in pursuing the Xindi weapon in the Expanse, T'Pol and Trip Tucker became increasingly intimate. Archer and Tucker determine the antimatter reactor is located underneath a small curio shop, and upon breaking into the shop they find that the entrance to … T'Pol makes a joke, and Archer says she seems to be picking up some of Trip's bad habits. Minefield. [T'Pol's family home - courtyard] (Koss and T'Pol kneel in front of each other and touch two fingers together.) There's got to be some way you can kiss and make up. Take care." T’Pol refuses to do a nude photo shoot for Playboy. (She leads the group out into the courtyard, and T'Pol gives Tucker a quick kiss on the cheek before going outside.) The clone, named "Sim", grew to adulthood over only a few days, and many of the crew became fond of him, in particular The crew rushes back to the shuttlecraft, but T’Pol is cornered. Archer just stood and gawked. T'Pol was born to T'Les and her husband in 2088. 9 Archer's Secret » by Mark Lopa At the christening of NCC 1701, an aging Archer and T'Pol recall how, many years ago, Archer told T'Pol his secret about Trip's death. The woman walks up to Archer and says, “Kiss me, you poet!” The woman plants a big wet one on the captain. Luetica. As time passed, T'Pol proved to be a valuable asset to Archer due to her time in space and her … As a child, T'Pol was betrothed to a Vulcan named Koss; their marriage was due to be . T'Pol's great-grandma's coworker apparently got compared to a Stooge because of his hairdo. T'Pol kisses Trip. Oh, Archer also suggests T'Pol is only able to make jokes because she’s picked it up from Trip. It seemed the crew morale was becoming a problem with not much to do. There was the sense that an entire conversation had passed between his shipmates, but there had not been a single word. Jolene Blalock (born March 5, 1975) is an American actress and model. Is every "You take care of yourself, too, Captain." Archer is annoyed when he thinks a warlike sport involving bows and arrows has been named after him. I thought you were there with Porthos. The captain wakes in sickbay. With considerable effort Trip jerked away from her kiss, bent down to hook his hands behind her thighs, and unceremoniously flipped her on to her back atop the bed. On his flagship the USS Endeavour, now commanded by Captain T'Pol, Archer is able to expose the abductors as the Malurians, hoping to drive a rift between the Federation and Tandarans, and rescue the prisoners. The crew says goodbye to two of their Captains. Well, since we know Archer attended the launch of the Enterprise, Abrams' best course of action is to show Archer and T'pol reunited at the ceremony, followed by a hot, steamy, geriatric sex scene. Archer smiled. As T'Pol settled into bed, she watched Jonathan walk over to the crib and kiss his little girl on the forehead. The mastermind is Archer's old enemy Garos, who … "Singularity," when T'Pol singlehandedly drags Archer back to the real world and gets him to take action to save the ship. With Archer out of the way, T'Pol takes out Harrad-Sar's engines and weapons, freeing Enterprise. Eventually." Aboard the Avenger is Admiral Black, a high ranking officer, who orders Archer to take the Defiant to Earth where it can be studied and dissected. Archer and T’Pol glanced at each other, silently asking if the other was comfortable with the situation. PRIEST: What ye are about to witness comes down from the time of the beginning without change. They answer was simple. T'Pol would butt heads with Archer about his style of command during the ship's early missions, chastising him for taking chances just to able to explore new planets. T'Pol stared into her mate's eyes a long time it seemed, then she reluctantly lowered her hand from his and gently pulled away. "We rendezvous in forty minutes with the Ti'Mar, SubCommander. Forced Kiss: Archer does this with Riann when his translator conks out to cover while he restarts it. [ENT] I just watched T'pol and Trip kiss for the first time and it made my night. That doesn't give you much time to pack your things. They do, but it's a bit annoying after the writers already tried T'Pol with Archer. [Sickbay] ARCHER: I went to decon. A frustrated Captain Archer returns from the planet only to be further upset to find that his dog Porthos, has been affected by a pathogen native to the world.
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