In 1973, several dogs were brought to the United States. But that's not the only thing unusual about the Chinese Shar-Pei. They are calm, intelligent, noble, loyal to the family, not prone to fuss, and loud barking. Although not particularly demonstrative, it is devoted and very protective of its family. Temperament. As they grow older, the dogs seem to “grow” to a too large skin, only the head and scruff remain covered with large wrinkles. The serving size is individual and depends on the age, size, and physical activity of each animal. Shar-Pei pups are known to primarily bond with one individual and they are fiercely loyal to their beloved human or family members. 2021 The Dogman. As the history of the breed is linked to guarding, they can be territorial and stubborn if poorly trained or socialised. Although not particularly demonstrative, it is devoted and very protective of its family. Today, breeders, in close cooperation with veterinarians, are trying to cut off genetically undesirable breed lines, but even in good kennels, puppies with various diseases are born. Deviation from a Scissors Bite. Early socialization and puppy training classes are recommended and help to ensure that the Shar-Pei grows into a well-adjusted, well-mannered companion. The SharPei was developed as a fighting dog and as a hunter. Feet as in front. The main mistake at this stage can be indulging the desires of the “cute baby”, so similar to a stuffed toy. Your email address will not be published. A level, roach or swayed topline/backline shall be faulted. The protective functions that have been assigned to the breed for many generations leave their mark on the character. You have to create consistent training in order to … Establish leadership in dog’s mind is essential to make it a good companion dogs. Entropion is an abnormal position of the eyelids, in which the free edge of the lower (less often the upper eyelid) turns to the eyeball and constantly injures its surface, provoking inflammation of the cornea and loss of vision. shar pei temperament Personality The large head and wrinkled face of the Chinese Shar-Pei has oven been compared to the head of a hippopotamus. The Chinese Shar-Pei has a personality that can best be identified as independent, bold, and tenacious. Shar Pei Temperament ♦ Shar Pei’s have blue and black clapper. All rights reserved. Immediate veterinary assistance required! The pups are an independent … The Shar Pei is often suspicious of strangers, which pertains to their origin as a guard dog. The Shar Pei has made an appearance in the US cartoon The Simpsons as the dog of teacher’s pet, Martin Prince. Demodicosis – the appearance of areas of reddened, flaky skin, hair loss caused by infection with skin parasites. Note, however, that during bath procedures (once every 2-3 months, if nothing extraordinary happens), it is imperative to use special shampoos that do not cause irritation and thorough drying with a hairdryer. For much of its long history China, vast and impregnable, was a closed society immune to outside influences. The ears are small, bent forward, the hair is short. Nails should be trimmed once a week, ideally using a grinder. The ears have the ability to move. The unusual shape of the head and, of course, strong folds distinguish them from their relatives, and the blue-black tongue completes the picture – among hundreds of modern breeds, only the Chow Chow can boast of … This is a brachycephalic breed. When viewed from the side, the forelegs are straight, the pasterns are strong and flexible. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Temperament and Personality. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. Cutaneous mucinosis – Excessive production of mucin by epithelial cells leads to mucus-filled blisters and is generally considered a cosmetic problem, but sometimes the oropharynx is affected, causing breathing problems. It is also worth remembering that due to physiological characteristics, Shar Pei’s field of vision is severely limited, he perceives sudden movements as a potential threat and reacts accordingly. Shar-Pei can be any solid color except white: “red deer” (red, classic), black, chocolate, apricot or cream dilute, blue, isabella, lavender, and others. There is no effective treatment; during attacks, they fight the symptoms, medication lowering the temperature and pain. The coat is absolutely straight and off standing on the main trunk of the body but generally lies somewhat flatter on the limbs. They are generally independent and strong-willed. Spots are not allowed, but darker (along with the spine and on the ears) and lighter (tail and back of the thighs) areas of the coat are possible. The ears should be cleaned weekly, but don’t overdo the products. To be sure, the Shar-Pei is an interesting-looking dog, … Required fields are marked *. Shar-Pei will be wary of strangers and in general everyone who is not in a close social circle and may openly demonstrate unfriendly intentions. The Shar-Pei is a very independent dog and can very often be aloof around strangers showing aggressive behavior towards other animals and humans. It will be very, very difficult to regain discipline after you show weakness! It is worth noting: newborn Shar-Pei do not have folds at all, but by the 6th week of life they accumulate so much that they become like a rubber man Bibendum – a recognizable symbol of one of the car tire manufacturers. However, do not rush to be disappointed in the breed and refuse to purchase a puppy! As such, China developed a culture unique to itself. Feet – moderate in size, compact and firmly set, not splayed. Taking care of your pet won’t be too much of a hassle. They are totally dedicated to the family and want to be with it as much as possible. Temperament. If your Shar-Pei is consistently trained and socialized from a very young age, reactivity shouldn’t be a problem for families with teens or toddlers. Another name of Shar Pei is Chinese fighting dog. The breed is suitable for experienced dog owners. Many Chinese Sharpeis are willful, obstinate, and dominant (they want to be the boss) and will make you prove that you can make them do things. Shar Pei Temperament. They may not do well with new environments and people. The standard temperament of the Shar-Pei is regal, alert, intelligent, dignified, lordly, scowling, sober and snobbish essentially independent and somewhat standoffish with strangers, but extreme in his devotion to his family. Early training and socialization are essential—a dominant adult Shar-Pei without them is a serious problem waiting to happen. A wide variety of good solutions are available on the market and from the veterinarian. The breed’s documented U.S. history began in the mid-1960s, but American interest in the breed truly began in 1973. Osteochondrosis is an abnormal growth of cartilage in a pouch that causes painful stiffness of the joint. The loose skin and wrinkles covering the head, neck and body are superabundant in puppies but these features may be limited to the head, neck and withers in the adult. Shar Pei Temperament. There are moderate to heavy folds of loose skin and abundant dewlap about the neck and throat. Shar-Pei fever (also known as swollen hock syndrome) manifests itself in swelling of the hock joint or even two against the background of an inexplicable increase in temperature to 39-42 ° C, accompanied by abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea. A low-key response is ideal. This is a very adaptable breed. Entropion, where the eyelids roll in, is a major concern. The best way to clean the ear canal is to “float” debris out of the canal using an ear-cleaning solution. ♦ The shade they throw at you when you try and teach them a new trick will perhaps make you embarrassed for ever thinking it was cool. The unusual shape of the head and, of course, strong folds distinguish them from their relatives, and the blue-black tongue completes the picture – among hundreds of modern breeds, only the Chow Chow can boast of this. This is one of the oldest breeds of dogs which were bred in China. Pyoderma is a bacterial infection that leads to accumulations of pus in the outer layers of the skin and near the hair follicles. They can do well with a very active owner, walking every day, or living in an apartment with a few short walks. The bone is substantial but never heavy and is of moderate length. The Shar-Pei stands firmly on the ground with a calm, confident stature. What you need to do regularly and diligently is to take care of your dog’s skin. This singularity is clearly seen in Chinese dog breeds. These dog are strong, regal, independent guardians famous for intelligence and loyalty. Hypothyroidism is a lack of thyroid hormones, which provokes the development of epilepsy, alopecia (hair loss), obesity, hyperpigmentation, pyoderma (purulent inflammation of the skin), and other dermatological problems, and in especially severe cases – lethargy. The coat appears healthy without being shiny or lustrous. An important indicator is the living conditions of mothers and puppies. A year later, the dog owners organized the “China Shar-Pei Club of America”, and in 1978 the first national specialized exhibition was held. However, they’re known to be dominating and may have a stubborn streak. Alert, independent and protective, they excel as affectionate family dogs, devoted and protective towards their loved ones. Adequate nutrition in the womb and in the first months of life lays the foundation for life, be sure to pay attention to the contents of the bowls! The topline dips slightly behind the withers, slightly rising over the short, broad loin. Breeds are grouped together because they share traits of form and function or a common heritage. Miniature Shar Pei Temperament. Temperament The Shar-Pei can be self-assured, serious, independent, stubborn, and very much self-possessed. The strong temperament. Forelegs – when viewed from the front, straight moderately spaced, with elbows close to the body. If the owner gives slack in their upbringing, they will not hesitate to take advantage of the slip in order to take a dominant position in the “pack” and dictate their terms to the household. These … Give table scraps sparingly, if at all, especially avoiding cooked bones and foods with high fat content. Chinese Shar-Pei. Click here to read the list of popular Shar-Pei mixes. The pup should be accustomed at a young age to having his ears cleaned regularly. What is the temperament of a Shar Pei Lab mix? It is better to refuse to buy a pet in such a place. In the process of training, patience and firmness are urgently needed, since teaching commands actually becomes a clash between the will of the owner and the dog. Chinese Shar Pei have an independent mind of their own and are not pushovers to raise and train. Back – short and close-coupled. Dogs are perceived as opponents, and by virtue of instincts, they treat other pets as prey. Loyal, independent, stubborn, bold and alert, the Shar-pei needs consistent and firm training. It was believed to have been a peasant’s dog, and in the manner of peasant’s dogs in all times and places, the Shar-Pei was expected to be versatile. The metatarsi (hocks) are short, perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other when viewed from the rear. They need regular moderate exercise, but can make good pets for city dwellers. Leaving them alone with the unintelligent crumbs is strongly discouraged. Shar-Pei are strong, regal, independent guardians famous for intelligence and loyalty. Shar-Pei are very loyal to their owner. The Typical Shar-Pei Temperament Despite his hard-working history and turbulent past, today’s Shar-Pei is primarily a loyal and beloved companion. Your Chinese Shar-Pei will need to be fed a high-quality dog foodthat is appropriate for its age- puppy, adult, senior, etc. The Shar-Pei breed is extremely loyal and attached to their family. A lot of working breeds were bred to be independent thinkers capable of doing their job on their own when needed. Now it’s become a less popular breed, responsible breeders have been working hard to reestablish the Shar-Pei’s loyal character and to reduce the risk of health problems. Seborrhea – dermatitis in the form of peeling of keratinized skin, most often is the result of allergic, infectious, and parasitic diseases, problems with the immune system, the endocrine system, or metabolism. The Shar-Pei is self-assured, serious, independent, stubborn and very much self-possessed. Ears – extremely small, rather thick, equilateral triangles in shape, slightly rounded at the tips; edges of the ear may curl. Shar-Pei is one of those breeds that cannot be overlooked at any dog ​​show or just on a walk. It is a very independent and reserved breed. Shar Pei: This Chinese breed probably shares some of the ancestry of the Chow Chow, descending from the ancient Han Dog, a guard dog in China 2000 years ago. Sadly, the Shar-Pei became a target for unscrupulous breeders and puppy farms who bred without attention to the health and temperament of the breed. Breed At A Glance You must show them, through absolute consistency, that you mean what you say. It’s one of the most distinctive-looking breeds available – certainly one of the dog breeds that makes other uninitiated dog lovers ask “what breed is that?” Well, they have good reason to be curious: this is actually one of the rarest breeds out there and despite its relatively rich history – considering the breed’s numbers – it was not officially recogn… Feeding recommendations do not differ from the standard for all pedigree animals. Neck – medium length, full and set well into the shoulders. Treated with corticosteroids. An exception may be cats if they grow up together. The People’s Republic of China was established in 1949. The compact, medium-sized Chinese Shar-Pei is an amalgam of odd physical traits: a broad “hippopotamus” muzzle; a blue-black tongue; small, sunken eyes with a scowling expression; tiny triangular ears; abundant folds of loose skin about the head, neck, and shoulders; the tapered high-set tail—all blanketed by a harsh, sandpapery coat. It is reserved, even suspicious, toward strangers. These dogs have never been good-natured nannies who patiently endure the unintentional rudeness of young children. Early socialization is needed (perhaps with the help of a dog handler) to avoid aggression towards other animals and strangers. The enthusiastic response from American dog lovers ensured the breed’s survival. Gastric volvulus is a dangerous condition associated with the stretching of the stomach with air trapped in as a result of eating too much food too quickly. Shar-Pei are strong, regal, independent guardians famous for intelligence and loyalty. Temperament . The Chinese Shar-Pei requires only minimal grooming. Height: 18-20 inches Weight: 40-55 lb Lifespan: 7-15 years Group: AKC Non-Sporting Best Suited For: Families with children, singles, apartments, houses with/without yards Temperament: Devoted, protective, independent, stubborn … This breed can become reserved and independent, which can prove to be a challenge for first-time dog owners. e. confirm this. Spotted Tongue. Though the Shar-Pei seems to have a frowning expression, its behavior belies that, as the breed is normally intelligent, devoted to its handler, playful, yet easy-going when not bothered. The breed also exercises mind and body by participating in obedience, tracking, agility, rally, and other activities that can be enjoyed by dog and owner. These “giants” are independent and stubborn. Due to their rather calm and quiet nature, Shar-Pei is well suited for living in an apartment. Shar Pei’s don’t really like water very much so if you want to regularly bath this dog it’s recommended that you start training when the dog is a pup. The AKC recognized the Chinese Shar-Pei in 1992. A Shar-Pei housetrains earlier than most breeds because of his natural cleanliness and ease of training. The Shar-Pei is shown in its natural state. It is treated with medicines and diet. Though this crossbreed appears to be aloof, it’s a loving and affectionate pet, especially towards its family. The name Shar-Pei means "sand-skin" but translated more as “sand-paper-like coat.” No other breed shares the short, rough coat of the Shar-Pei. They are suspicious of strangers and other dogs. The extremely harsh coat is one of the distinguishing features of the breed. Around its owners, the Shar-Pei may not necessarily be the most physically attached or longing for excessive touch, but very much a loyal canine. He is very confident, loyal, calm, brave, protective, determined, noble, and more than eager to please his master. Let’s put it this way: when you own a Chinese Shar-Pei, you know you own a Chinese Shar-Pei. Around its owners, the Shar-Pei may not necessarily be the most physically attached or longing for excessive touch, but very much a loyal canine. The Chinese Shar-Pei is considered quite the serene and regal natured dog. About 20 years ago the Shar Pei was one of the world’s rarest dog breeds. But no less famous among breeders and their independent disposition. A soft coat, a wavy coat, a coat in excess of one inch at the withers or a coat that has been trimmed is a major fault. Around its owners, the Shar-Pei may not necessarily be the most physically attached or longing for excessive touch, but very much a loyal canine. They are naturally reserved and aloof around people they don’t know. There are some unusual and specific health concerns in the Chinese Shar-Pei breed. Major Faults. ♦ The Shar-Pei is a bit of Lord Muck. The reason for this is largely due to the dishonesty of the breeders, who, in the wake of the outbreak of popularity of these dogs in the 80-the 90s of the last century, were chasing commercial gain to the detriment of animal welfare. Dysplasia of the elbow or hip joint is a degenerative disease that results in a weak joint in the growing animal, which can lead to arthritis and lameness. Around its owners, the Shar-Pei may not necessarily be the most physically attached or longing for excessive touch, but very much a loyal canine. The Shar-Pei, like the Chow-Chow, has a blue-black tongue; these are the only two breeds featuring this characteristic., They are suspicious of strangers and other dogs. Individual dogs Shar-Pei vary in their exercise needs. However, do not let its rough-edged attitude fool you. (A literal translation of Shar-Pei: “sand skin.”). Check with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet. A Shar-Pei housetrains earlier than most breeds because of … Geneticists have established that the age of the breed can reach 3 thousand years. Temperament. The structure of the skull makes them similar to the brachycephalic type dogs (Bulldogs, Boxers, Pugs), so intense exercise such as jogging and overcoming obstacle courses is contraindicated due to breathing problems. The Shar-Pei has a regal, independent personality, and makes a great watchdog. Shar-pei needs an experienced and strong owner who can maintain his authority in the eyes of the pet. Shar Pei and Labrador mixes tend to inherit the independent nature of their Shar Pei parent. Acceptable coat lengths may range from extremely short “horse coat” up to the “brush coat,” not to exceed 1 inch in length at the withers. Regal, alert, intelligent, dignified, lordly, scowling, sober and snobbish essentially independent and somewhat standoffish with strangers, but extreme in his devotion to his family. Chinese farmers employed these rugged, intelligent dogs as hunters, herders, and guardians of livestock against predators and rustlers. Quality premium or super-premium ready-to-eat foods, or a carefully formulated regular food diet that balances nutrients. Moreover, it is preferable, since short hair does not protect against low temperatures, and overheating is bad for the health of the animal due to the peculiarities of the structure of the skin and respiratory tract. Want to connect with other people who love the same breed as much as you do? Shar-Pei usually gets along poorly with other animals. His tiny ears sit atop a large, powerful head with a short muzzle and purple tongue. Shar-Pei will definitely disappoint people who dream of a cheerful and playful pet. The build is strong, the limbs are of medium length, the tail is also of medium length. At the time of purchase, the puppy itself must have marks on the age-appropriate vaccination in the veterinary passport at the time of purchase. Three words describe this breed: loyal, independent, and calm. They need a bath only every month or so. If your pet does not meet certain requirements, the problem is not at all a lack of mutual understanding – he does not keep his intellect, and the desire to dominate a person leads to disobedience. Shoulders – muscular, well laid back and sloping. Eyes are another major issue in this breed. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid. Properly trained and socialized on time, Shar-Pei is an excellent companion. A small number of dogs were saved by transportation to Hong Kong, to Down-Homes kennel – this was done by dog ​​enthusiast Matgo Lowe. The Chinese Shar-Pei is considered quite the serene and regal natured dog. Nevertheless, the Shar Pei is extremely devoted, loyal and affectionate to its family and is amenable to accepting strangers given time and proper introduction at a young age. This fascinating but challenging breed of ancient pedigree is steadfastly loyal to family, but standoffish with strangers. Temperament. The Chinese Shar-Pei has physical characteristics that make him a one-of-a-kind companion and guardian dog. The main thing is that the puppy is easy to make contact with, is not afraid of a person and does not show aggression, and is not suspiciously apathetic. Shar-Pei originated in the southern provinces of China, and from there spread throughout the country. Glaucoma is increased intraocular pressure resulting in optic atrophy and loss of vision. Although not particularly demonstrative, he is devoted and may be very protective of his family. The Shar Pei is a loyal and confident breed, which stems from their guard dog origins. Let’s start with that. Shar-Pei pet is an ancient dog breeds originating in China and bred for guarding, fighting, and farm work. He is a clean, calm, and dignified dog with low dog grooming needs. The Shar-Pei is self-assured, serious, independent, stubborn and very much self-possessed. Ears lie flat against the head, are set high, wide apart and forward on the skull, pointing toward the eyes. The finishing touch is a thick, round tail that curls over his back. Essential info about dog health, training, sports and more. Do not use cotton swabs, and do not use hydrogen peroxide. Dislocation of the patella (patella) – congenital or acquired displacement of the patella relative to its normal position, is episodic or permanent. They are totally dedicated to the family and want to be with it as much as possible. The tail is thick and round at the base, tapering to a fine point and curling over or to either side of the back. e. The Shar-Pei was already a mature breed, which means that it can be assumed that this dog arose somewhat earlier. The Communist regime frowned on dog ownership and systematically slaughtered much of the mainland’s purebred dog population. The website of the breed’s national parent club, the Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America, provides detailed breed-health information for owners. ... Temperament. Temperament. Other conditions that can occur include respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, immune-mediated, skin, and gastrointestinal disorders, and certain cancers. Unfortunately, Shar-Pei is not long-lived, the average life expectancy is 8-12 years. Healthy You, Healthy Dog, Healthy New Year! To maintain normal physical shape, Shar-Pei needs only an hour of walks a day. The history of the Shar-Pei can be traced about 2000 years ago, during the reign of the Han dynasty, where their usage pertained to fighting dogs, also emerging as the Chinese Emperors’ choicest pets. The number of possible hereditary and acquired diseases during life is such that some organizations generally raise the question of the advisability of further breeding. Shar-Peis are also very loyal to their owners and are quite protective of … An alert, compact dog of medium size and substance; square in profile, close coupled; the well-proportioned head slightly but not overly large for the body. Now it’s become a less popular breed, responsible breeders have been working hard to reestablish the Shar-Pei’s loyal character and to reduce the risk of health problems.
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