Later, the breed was further improved upon by Paul and Margaret Jepson of Vermont, who crossed their Katahdins with St. Croix sheep for additional hair characteristics. } Rotating pasture so that sheep do not remain on the same pasture for more than 21 days will help reduce infestation. Sources of information are also identified for those who want to raise sheep regardless of the reason. In addition, several breeds of dogs can be used as guard animals and in fact donkeys [and llamas] are often used as guard animals to protect the sheep. Maybe you have a few acres that are overgrown or that you are tired of mowing. Lambs suckle the ewe for 2–3 months naturally, but can be weaned at one (1) month of age. About St. Croix Hair Sheep Limited by our acreage, and drawn to the breed by their gentle nature and disease-resistance, Brooks Farm began raising St. Croix hair sheep in 2007. If egg counts exceed 1000/gram then an anthelmintic is needed. Consult your state extension service or a qualified veterinarian. Health care— The major health concern is that of controlling internal parasites. We regularly offer St. Croix rams for sale, and annually have St. Croix ewes available. Typically, we lamb in the spring and lambs become available late spring/ early summer at weaning. I am still working at getting a really nice mix. Magazines— There are many magazines that are written with the sheep enthusiast in mind. Most state veterinary diagnostic laboratories will check the feces for parasite eggs at no charge. Proceedings Hair Sheep Research Symposium (ed. There are three major anthelmintics approved for use in sheep: levamisole, thiabendazole and ivermectin. The Virgin Island White breed is found in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. Fencing— The fencing may be one of the most important components of a successful sheep operation. Also Known As: Virgin Island White, White Virgin Islander, White Virgin Island The Virgin Island White breed is found in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. There are several types of portable, temporary fencing material available that are easily moved and can be utilized to cross fence pastures as forage growth changes or as number of animals changes. Ellis Sheep Co. raises the highest quality purebred registered St Croix hair sheep. In this case, sheep are often kept inside or are sheared prior to lambing to make the ewe seek shelter so that the lamb will be in a protected area. Lambs should be given an anthelmintic at weaning and at 6 to 8 week intervals depending on level of infestation. Consult your state extension service and state sheep associations for more information. They're an easy-going breed, and they adapted easily to life on the mountain. Ewes can produce two lamb crops per year. A sheep never has a headache. I currently have a 3/4 dorper 1/4 St. Croix cross that I have been breeding for a few years. Cooperative extension— Every state has a Land Grant University and an Extension Service. Their fine grained, low fat meat is mild and superior in texture and flavor. Purebred lines have been maintained, and as numbers increase, animals have been released to private breeders. Stephan Wildeus). These will be further discussed later. The feed from pasture is the most economical and should be the base of the operation. These chargers cost between $75 and $250 and can be run from regular 110 current, from a car battery or from the sun. For example, we consider time spent worming, shearing, docking and trimming hooves as merely maintaining an operation.If this same time is spent building homestead fencing, water systems, improving lambing or handling facilities, it’s improving an operation. A properly designed and constructed fence will keep the sheep in and predators out. These sheep were the basis of the present St. Croix breed in the U.S. Please provide a description of this breed as well St. Croix are by far the most hands off, but one of the slower ones to grow. While they can withstand high heat and humidity better than British sheep breeds, they have adapted to variable climatic conditions in many parts of the country. OT+=ML.charAt(MI.charCodeAt(j)-48); Maybe you want sheep as a novelty […] Location. A sheep won't use your razor to shave its legs, or your pocketknife to open a paint can. MI="1?9;80B37:?24G>5E0D80G?8CAEGD8>2=E;00F6>8H7@E0D80G?8CAEGD8>2=E;00F6>8H1animal-science-mail-form'); Royal White sheep are a hair breed, privately funded and developed in the United States by William Hoag, Dorpcroix Sheep Farm in Hermleigh, Texas. These anthelmintics should be given on a routine schedule to make sure that parasites do not weaken the sheep. These sheep are broke to hot wire and being moved every 2 days. Plans are available from several sources, as noted below. Birth weights average 6-7 lbs. Copyright © 1995-2015 Oklahoma State University Board of Regents. There are solar chargers available for under $100 that will charge the fence continually during the day, and store a charge in a battery for night use. There are two natural enemies of sheep: internal parasites and predators. --> While pasture should be the base of the feed resource, other feeds can be utilized to supplement the pasture. A mature ram can weigh 200 lbs, and a ewe can weigh 150 lbs. Marketing these products is probably where most sheep owners fail in their total operation. The St. Croix brings in some very hardly genetics. St. Croix. How much land is available and what the productivity of that land is should be determined. This is where the threat from predators tends to be high. The primary purpose for this breed is for meat. Sheep, like cattle, can also utilize hay, silage and many by-product feeds. Mature size of sheep ranges from 50 lbs to 500 lbs depending on breed. A sheep won't leave wet nylons hanging all over the bathroom. A mineral mix should be purchased that is formulated for sheep to meet their requirements and prevent copper toxicity. They also have an active but easily managed personality. Your extension service should be able to help you make the right contact. There are many breeds capable of breeding year round. The St. Croix is a descendant of the West African hair sheep, but some people believe they could be crossed between Wiltshire White and Criollos heep. Kevin R. Pond, Department of Animal Science, North Carolina State University, Presented at the American Minor Breeds Conservancy Annual Meeting, June 14, 1992. Maybe you want sheep as a novelty or to maintain a minor breed. Buildings and equipment— The building requirements for housing sheep are minimal. Several companies have portable types of fencing appropriate for sheep. A sheep will never sue you for alimony. The size of the ewes in the U.S. averages 119 pounds, while the rams average 163 pounds. Feed can also be purchased from feed mills or feed stores. These types of fences can be easily moved by one person and are very useful in keeping sheep where you want to keep them. To have lambs at other times during the year than just the spring, or to have ewes produce more than one time per year, you may want to consider one of these breeds. Magazine ( W2997 Market Rd., Helenville, WI 53137). Dr. If woven wire is used, posts must be put close enough together so that animals (the sheep and predators) cannot get through. Books— There are many books written about sheep production. The St Croix (Saint 'Croy') is a breed of domestic sheep native to the U.S. Virgin Islands and named for the island of Saint Croix.They are often also called Virgin Island White because those that were imported into North America were selected for white coloration.