O'Brien found out that it was an artificial field and was able to turn it off. (DS9: "Call to Arms"), Along with the rest of the DS9 command crew, O'Brien was pulled from front-line duty to take a captured Jem'Hadar vessel behind enemy lines. During the 2372 Guild of Restaurant and Casino Employees strike against Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade, Worf attempted to patronize the bar. (DS9: "Hippocratic Oath", "Statistical Probabilities"), The friendship helped the two through troubled times. It was Bashir who was able to talk him out of the attempt and get him help. Star Trek CCG 1E Blaze of Glory Miles O'Brien and Q-Continuum Keiko O'Brien. In the story, Miles O'Brien transfers from the Enterprise-D to Deep Space Nine in the DS9 premiere episode "Emissary", to serve as the station's chief of operations.. O'Brien's character is unique in the Star Trek … I cannot believe Starfleet Academy is taking Miles O'Brien away from us. It's his favorite activity after work and family, and he sings "ancient human sea chanteys" during it such as "Louie, Louie" to establish a smooth paddling rhythm. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir"), Miles O'Brien after twenty years in a simulated prison, Later that year, O'Brien had been falsely accused of espionage, and was given the simulated memory of a twenty-year prison sentence following a visit to the planet Argratha. Star Trek: The Original Series. He is wearing the two pips of a Starfleet lieutenant again and is addressed as chief. Turned up missing during unauthorized mission to investigate Orion Syndicate in Sappora System, until rescued by New Sydney Police. (TNG: "Power Play"), By 2369, O'Brien had been serving in Starfleet for 22 years. Unlike the vast majority of Star Trek characters, O’Brien is what is called a “noncom” or non-commissioned officer, meaning he enlisted in Starfleet but did not attend the academy. Following the death of the local Sirah, O'Brien was thrust into the role, forcing him to try and maintain the unity and strength of the inhabitants against a Dal'Rok. Picture Information. Colm J. Meaney is an Irish actor known for playing Miles O'Brien in Star Trek: The Next … 1989: O'Brien's surname is mentioned for the first time in "Unnatural Selection". 2370 ? Karrierje elején a USS Ruthledge-en szolgált Maxwell kapitány alatt. When a Vorta and a team of Jem'Hadar came to retrieve the ship, a fight broke out. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"), O'Brien, as part of a Defiant away team, discovered a crashed Jem'Hadar ship on a planet. Recently the chief has also confided to me how he prepares a "final message" tape to his wife and children prior to each departure on a dangerous mission, such as the covert infiltration to ascertain the rumored Changeling doubling of Gowron and the help in retrieving a prize Jem'Hadar vessel. Chief O'Brien's Tragic Star Trek Timeline Explained. Ben Maxwell, was decorated after clash with Cardassians on Setlik III and re-assigned by Maxwell as a bridge tactical officer. STAR TREK DS9 : DR. JULIAN BASHIR, CHIEF MILES O'BRIEN, LT COMMANDER JADZIA DAX. Occupation: Our man in the field, Mr. O'Brien, was strategically selected and recruited for his engineering skills — a necessary component for this mission that no other available operative could fulfill — and he cooperated in spite of his reluctance. He was further resentful when Bashir ordered him to help. Depiction in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Colm Meaney (right) with Deep Space 9 co-stars Marc Alaimo (left) and Armin Shimerman (center), who portrayed the characters of Gul Dukat and Quark, respectively.. O'Brien was the first person to greet Worf when he arrived. Jump to navigation Jump to search. In the mirror universe, Miles Edward "Smiley" O'Brien was a Terran slave of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance with a theta designation until 2370. Eventually, the lifeform left when it was discovered that the moon was actually a penal colony and that this was an attempt for the lifeform to escape. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 2346 ? Psychological Profile: Report of Starfleet Counselor Telnorri, Bajoran Sector. Directed by Alexander Singer. A crewman O'Brien had become close to, Enrique Muniz, also died as a result of wounds he received in battle, and this affected O'Brien deeply. After serving on two more ships in the last two years, transferred to new U.S.S. (NOTE: By mid-2373, had been decorated at least 16 times for over 238 career engagements.). (DS9: "The Storyteller"), In 2369, O'Brien's assistant Neela attempted to assassinate Vedek Bareil. 2364 ? (DS9: "To the Death"), O'Brien surgically altered to appear Klingon, In 2373, O'Brien took part in an infiltration mission to the fortified Klingon moon of Ty'Gokor in an attempt to expose Gowron as a Changeling. O'Brien has many accomplishments in his career field, led by his first-ever use of a genetic pattern in the Enterprise's modified biofilter to restore a transported object to a prior state. He joked that he was actually disappointed as he expected O'Brien to succeed in breaking someone out of the station without being discovered. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. A USS Enterprise-D transzporterfőnöke, illetve a Deep Space Nine űrállomás főgépésze. The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. Personnel Update: Col. Kira Nerys, in command of Deep Space Nine, SD 52950.1. Through various other stages of the character's development, O'Brien was referred to as a crewman, a lieutenant, and various script notes indicated he was a "warrant officer." Condition is visible in image. After proposing to her in her Arboretum on the Enterprise, he survived her bridal "cold feet" and married botanist Keiko Ishikawa with La Forge as his best man in Ten-Forward on SD 44390, or May 23, 2367; Data, who had introduced them, served as bridal escort. Miles Edward O’Brien a Star Trek című amerikai tudományos-fantasztikus sorozat egyik szereplője. Shortly thereafter, he played a ceremonial role in the wedding of Jadzia Dax and Worf. (DS9: "Heart of Stone"). Quark and O'Brien are discussing a vole-infestation on DS9, and O'Brien tells Quark about a new pest control device. They don't expect me to show up for these formal dinners.". (DS9: "Prodigal Daughter"), Shortly before the final battle of the war, O'Brien took part in the attempt to restore Vic Fontaine's casino. Several months later, while assisting in preparations for a Parada peace conference on Parada II, O'Brien was kidnapped and replaced with a replicant, created to disrupt the conference. In "Where Silence Has Lease" he appears wearing the same uniform and insignia as "The Child" and is directly addressed by Commander Riker as "lieutenant", seemingly indicating that O'Brien is an officer. Opens image … He's never had a run like his 47-game win streak at darts, ended only by a torn rotator cuff in his shoulder, his most serious injury there yet. 1991: Appears in "Data's Day" wearing his usual uniform and insignia. Himself a brave man, he once admitted he'd be scared to try a Klingon exchange program as Riker once did, and later confided he most feared for his life during the Borg attack at Wolf 359. (DS9: "Rocks and Shoals"), Following their rescue by the Rotarran, Miles took part in Operation Return, which successfully recaptured the station. 2371 ? (DS9: "Tacking Into the Wind", "Extreme Measures"), Worf with Chief O'Brien aboard the Enterprise-D, Miles O'Brien and Worf knew each other from their early days on the Enterprise, although their relationship was that of a noncom and his superior. Rutledge under Capt. (DS9: "Empok Nor"), O'Brien transferred to the USS Enterprise-D in 2364 with the rank of chief petty officer, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. (TNG: "The Wounded"), O'Brien had two brothers. Following a mission on Zayra IV where O'Brien was forced to make a critical repair in a Jefferies tube containing Talarian hook spiders, he found that his fear had lessened, and he later kept a Lycosa tarantula, named Christina, as a pet aboard the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Realm of Fear"), In 2345, at the age of 17, O'Brien joined Starfleet as an enlisted crewman, where he attended Engineering School. Miles O’Brien, the everyman Chief of Operations, and Dr. Julian Bashir, the spoiled, foppish Starfleet officer, are often cited as one of Trek ’s best bromances — a bitter rivalry that became one of the most endearing relationships in the franchise’s history. A strong advocate for the interests of labor over capital, O'Brien intercepted Worf and attempted to persuade him not to cross the picket line. Despite the ordeals he's been through, he's always managed to strike a balance between seriousness and playfulness — never wavering in his commitments, even when under siege ... but as a hobbyist he's pretty die-hard, too. O'Brien respected Sisko from the first, and Sisko came to rely on Miles to keep Deep Space 9 running in the earliest days of his command. (It should be noted, however, there have been multiple examples in Starfleet of position occasionally trumping rank, such as a bridge officer being left in command of a ship, even when a superior officer is on duty in engineering). This earned him a promotion to primary tactical officer. (DS9: "The Homecoming", "The Circle", "The Siege"), In 2370, O'Brien was assisting the T'Lani and Kellerun militaries in disarming and neutralizing their harvester weapons when a sabotage attempt exposed him to deadly nanobiogenic gel. Spock and Kirk were still about the captain and his number one. His death occurred when he deliberately contaminated himself further in order to determine the exact cause of events he had witnessed. By the time young Kirayoshi was born circa 50450, his tension had disrupted the traditional Bajoran birthing routine Kira had requested and spilled over to First Minister Shakaar, who had attended out of concern for Kira. O'Brien had a difficult time dealing with this pregnancy, mainly as a result of the baby's forced 'relocation' to Kira Nerys in late 2372, which saw the two struggling with a mutual attraction – one which both agreed to put aside. (DS9: "Paradise"; TNG: "Booby Trap", "All Good Things..."; DS9: "The Ship"), O'Brien's one continuing passion was kayaking, and he frequently found himself visiting sickbay or the infirmary for shoulder injuries sustained during programs. An email will not be created automatically. 2374 ? He had fixed the game in O'Brien's favor and with everyone betting on Bashir, intended to clean up. Robert Hewitt Wolfe further explains, "If O'Brien went through something torturous and horrible, the audience was going to feel that, in a way they wouldn't feel it with any of the other characters. O'Brien was vehemently against such a proposal, noting that the Jem'Hadar were enemies of the Federation, and that freeing them of the white would make them a larger threat to the Alpha Quadrant. Ben Sisko. Actually, O'Brien has offered to transfer at least twice — early on, and again when then-Vedek Winn attacked Keiko's secular school, but she turned him down and stood her ground. Because of his impressive military record, O'Brien was recognized by a Starfleet formal inquiry as an expert in starship combat. CBS Entertainment | This site and its contents ® & © 2021 CBS Studios Inc. © 2021 CBS Television Distribution and CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Jem'Hadar were betrayed by their Vorta and led into an ambush. When O'Brien was given twenty years of prison memories for a crime he did not commit by the Argrathi and could not adjust, he attempted to kill himself. As young crewman posted to NCC-57295 U.S.S. During the 2360s, O'Brien kept in fairly close contact with the Sinclairs, and was known as an uncle to their twin sons, Jeff … He's just the same guy trying to deal with many more problems." But he much preferred his busy schedule on the station; finding it easier to when he was serving aboard the Enterprise where he would get bored spending most of his time waiting around the transporter room for something to break down and that the station needed him. Maxwell war. (Apparently, the trip home a year earlier for Keiko's mother's 100th birthday was not considered a vacation.). (TNG: "Disaster"), O'Brien, while addicted to the Ktarian game in 2368, Later that year, O'Brien, along with Troi and Data, was taken over by an alien lifeform which forced them to take hostages to use as a bargaining chip in negotiating with Picard. Miles O'Brien first appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation.He mainly worked as the Enterprise's transporter chief. Travelled back in time to 2267 to help prevent timeline contamination by Arne Darvin. (DS9: "A Time to Stand"), He was part of the away team that confronted the Jem'Hadar on a planet after both sides crashed. For the next three years, O'Brien wears a single hollow pip insignia with his rank again very much in question. (DS9: "The Assignment", "Trials and Tribble-ations"), On an assignment to Empok Nor to get a part necessary for the station, he and his team found two Cardassians in stasis. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar"), Benjamin Maxwell, Miles' former commanding officer in 2367, One of his first assignments was aboard the USS Rutledge under the command of Benjamin Maxwell, where he served as junior tactical officer during the Cardassian War.
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