I don't have time for a Christmas-gram. Walter thinks he hears something, but continues. It's the old photo of a young Walter next to his smiling girlfriend - on the other side is a crayon drawing of Buddy. Some have accused them of being too "gung ho" when called into duty. As you know, we need a big launch, fast. Quickly, Santa moves to the Christmas tree, where he lays out presents. Peter Dinklage como Miles Finch. QUICK SERIES OF FLASHBACKS FROM BUDDY'S PAST flash before his eyes not unlike 'the sixth sense'. Buddy is excited and enters. Well, I gotta run. Buddy is on the living room couch. Fulton tosses 'THE PUPPY AND THE PIGEON (the flawed book from earlier) onto Walter's desk. Buddy's not skipping, he's SKIPPING. And though it is against the Code of Elves to lie, all agreed that until Buddy asked us, no one was going to bring up the fact that he was actually a human being. He jumps back and is then frightened to death as he is confronted by the sight of a display window full of Chinese roasted ducks. - the ELF MANAGER from Gimbels sings with co-workers. Buddy wipes his tears and rubs his face. Make as many snowballs as you can! We seem to be having some technical difficulty with our remote unit. [62] The next month, Ferrell reiterated that a sequel was unlikely, and stated that he was generally reluctant to do sequels unless there was a story that justifies it. I'm sick of being extraordinary! EROSION?! From the rear, Emily re-enters the kitchen and sees Buddy from behind. Elves love to tell stories, you probably didn't know that, did you? I never had anyone to play catch with. PSST! My gosh, you built that? Let's get this over with. And silhouettes against the moon. Arrgh! Seriously Walter! Are you gonna sing a song or can I get back to work? I know a pig who can run eleven miles an hour. Prancer was able to control his bladder over Baltimore, and we didn't forget Delaware... A party HORN blows. Walter enters and sees Buddy and Michael as they hoist an enormous FOURTEEN FOOT TALL CHRISTMAS TREE into the corner. I love that you came and I love you Dad! Michael stands to launch one. As the shadow of the sleigh zips high over them, the whole crowd joins in, singing their hearts out. Oh, I'll always be your Papa. Oh! His sleigh can't fly cause nobody believes in him! Zooey Deschanel como Jovie. This one doesn't pop for a beat and then: POP! It's true! Buddy pushes through the bathroom door, totally consumed by the greatest voice in the world. I'm gonna come in a little short on my quota today. The CONVICT CAN'T HELP IT AND HE STARTS TO CRY TOO. Santa cheerfully pats down with his hands for quiet. I bet he's a genius. Stan Tobias wants a powerpumper water rifle. You can't expect a bake sale to make solid cash these days. Vacation's over! Papa winces. Inspired by a sarcastic remark from a security guard, Buddy heads to a local Gimbels department store, where the manager mistakes him for an employee. Bye Sunshine! A minus eight cannot happen. As Buddy wanders the streets, he watches Santa's sleigh crash in Central Park, attracting a large crowd. Christmas Spirit is about believing, not seeing. Smoke and sparks billow out. They look down upon the sleigh, quite a distance away. He turns to find a stone cold killer glare. "[33], The film was nominated for nine awards and won two. I think I've got something here. Buddy then takes them to meet Santa who proves himself to Michael by showing him what he truly wanted for Christmas. A --. A -- BUDDY Boy, the candy canes here in New York just don't measure up to Elf standards, do they? Now, off in the distance, WE HEAR THE FAINT SOUND OF AN ANGEL SINGING. Emily is leaving work, locking up the door. [18][19], The film makes heavy use of forced perspective to exaggerate the size of Buddy compared to all the other elves. The doors being locked, employees exiting, lights flickering off. So, what do you want me to do, breast feed him? Each step he takes goes down five feet deep, we DISSOLVE to a series of scenes showing this epic struggle. We'll do this some other time, Mr. Greenway. No you're not. His beard is fake! I'm not messing with you. Buddy stumbles around blind, scraping his tongue off. In desperation, Walter and his team secure a meeting with best-selling children's author Miles Finch. I would give this some natural erosion, a slight wind drift look. Now, listen to me. I'VE NEVER MET HIM AND HE WANTS ME TO SING A SONG. Now MICHAEL ENTERS. I think he's trying to return to a position of child-like dependency. Chrome helmets sit atop faces shrouded in shadow. I wish I could. Buddy attempts to greet a sea of people, but New Yorkers ignore the guy in the Elf suit. I just wanted to meet you...and I thought that, maybe, you might want to meet me... Walter senses an element of truth in here somewhere. [26] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "A–" on an A+ to F scale. Everyone looks at him like he's...well, Elf. Another convict shares the cell with him. (The audience is spared the details). The Doctor gives Buddy's finger a tiny prick. WE follow him down the street. They never build me sitting down. Thanks so much for coming. The sleigh starts to lumber forward. The cleaning man just found this! Michael follows. It HOWLS TO LIFE and the urge of power BLOWS THE SLEIGH FORTY FEET INTO THE AIR, clearing the fountain. Walter and Michael walk down the hall, triumphantly, together. Buddy stops at the edge of an escalator, afraid to get on, like a kid at the edge of a diving board. These guy are bad news. To Buddy's horror, Santa reveals that Walter is on the naughty list due to his selfish and unscrupulous demeanor, but suggests Buddy could help redeem him. They try to chime in. But fortunately when it comes to babies, Santa's a push over. Let's listen in... - We see the MAILROOM guys in A bar singing along in perfect harmony. IN THE ELF SHOWERS: Buddy is struggling to wash under a three-foot high shower head. Did you just say Susan Welles? A zoomed-in blurry image of Buddy running. Jovie looks around. This infuriates Emily. WE SLAM INTO A CLOSE UP OF BUDDY'S SHOCKED FACE. A REAL LIVE RACCOON crosses his path. PEDIATRICIAN'S OFFICE - AN HOUR LATER. Do you have any ideas? And scratch your ass. [23] It topped the box office on its second week of release, beating out Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. Stop motion animation was employed for certain sequences. This is epic. A Jack in the Box rattles by Buddy, POPPING OPEN. Then pops up next to some toys. But the third job. Wrapping paper everywhere. That's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. This is Santa's LIST! This is incredible. Here's another interesting Elf-ism: There are three jobs available to an Elf. He looks ever bit the professional as he enters with his father. Bob Newhart como Papa Elf. Actually, it seems like everyone has the same talents. He's your son Walter, it's not like he's going to just go away. My people estimate we'll be posting a minus eight for this quarter. The sleigh SHUDDERS and RISES, then falls to the ground. I'm the worst toy maker in the whole world! The elves cheer and get back to work. We spoke on the phone. The most expensive merchandise has been used as bricks and mortar. The Claus-o-meter suddenly dropped down to zero. Trying to think of a plan. What if you let him visit you? Buddy pegs him with a dodge ball. IN THE FACTORY: tinkering with a Ken Doll, Buddy moves the arms like his arms. Too vulnerable. Greenway holds up the proofs, signed by Walter. POP! "[28] Writing for Rolling Stone, Peter Travers gave the film two out of four stars, saying: "Ferrell makes the damn thing work. Michael is in the middle of the crowd when he hears his name from across the street. It was quite a Christmas, and quite a New Year. So it's clean for each patient that comes in. He busts his father. INT. You changed the batteries in the fire alarm! Hopeful. I'm going to perform something called a 'finger prick.'. There's no way we're leaving him alone here tomorrow. But the fact is, it wasn't a dream. Fulton Greenway? Buddy's hear fills his whole chest. A triumphant swell of music as Buddy walks through the workshop for the last time. Yeah, I just got off my cell with him. Buddy holds his finger with a cotton ball for a moment. -- A sign at a crappy diner "World's Best Cup of Coffee!" And that's to build toys in Santa's workshop. Deb enters and he scrambles to hide the nightie.
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