By the next day the outlook was not quite so rosy: “Cheddi is doing much better than expected,” and “this promises to be a real cliff hanger” (Document 28). All this afforded the Americans one more chance to step back. John McCone and Richard Helms attended for the CIA. Police Special Branch had collected evidence on PNC political violence back to 1962. The publication of the US' secret intelligence documents on the CIA covert operations in Tibet back in 1998 came like a clap of thunder in a clear sky. In early 1963, the U.S. diplomatic representation in Georgetown was elevated from a consulate to a general consulate and given a CIA communications backchannel. A Latin American labor council, ORIT, also trained and paid a group of junior assistants who worked alongside McCabe in the field. Forbes Burnham took a faction out of the PPP to form the People’s National Congress (PNC) a few months later. The National Security Archive is committed to digital accessibility. When London went ahead to set the table for the elections, Prime Minister Jagan obtained, as he understood it, assurances from Forbes Burnham that a coalition would be acceptable, and approved only on that basis. The CIA's authority to conduct covert action comes from the National Security Act of 1947. Here is where the CIA labor operation hit its stride. That same day, July 20, Director McCone and Richard Helms met with the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board to discuss covert operations, including labor operations, secret funding of social and cultural groups, and a list of the political parties and leaders the CIA supported throughout the world. The analysts believed that after independence Burnham would no longer need to show unity, and differences between the PNC and UF would emerge. [3] Special National Intelligence Estimate 87.2-61, “Prospects for British Guiana,” March 27, 1961 (declassified 1997), p. 1. SAD is responsible for covert operations that fall within the CIA branch of the United States government. Personnel in Deaths of Guatemalans]. The main instrument for such a gambit would be international labor unions cooperating with the CIA. Position in Afghanistan, Legislative Charters for Intelligence Community, Consultations with China on the Afghan Situation, Central American Arms Trafficking: The Comayagua Cache, [Involvement of U.S. Cheddi Jagan won the popular vote. Jagan, already a member of the British-sponsored legislative council, obtained a PPP majority in 1953 elections and then led a Guianese government under British tutelage. Apparently there was a feeling at MI-6 that British diplomats were more flexible than the Colonial Office on a joint “CIA/MI-6 role” in British Guiana, while Anthony Greenwood had less political strength in the cabinet than his predecessor. Commenting on the package, National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy observed that “the case for the proposed tactics to be used in opposing [Jagan] is not so clear.” Specifically, “I think it is unproven that CIA knows how to manipulate an election in British Guiana without a backfire” (Document 9). That same day Dean Rusk sent the meeting minutes, State Department intelligence and FBI reports, and a draft action program to Kennedy, with the comment that replacement of the Jagan government should be set as the U.S. objective. These meetings cleared away some of the obstacles to covert action. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee (now Rowman and Littlefield), 2006, p. 3. This memo to Bundy explained that Johnson and Helms agreed that they should make a proposal to the British with the goal, “to bring matters to a head by forcing a consideration of political factors.” The CIA wanted London to consider what a post-Jagan cabinet might look like. One key indicator of the crumbling of opposition to a covert operation would be when Arthur Schlesinger told Jack Kennedy, on June 21, that a Forbes Burnham government would cause many fewer problems for the U.S. than one led by Cheddi Jagan.[13]. Once President Kennedy had approved the political action the CIA assumed full responsibility for security and planning (Document 13). Instead, at the end of July (Document 22) a high-level U.S. group rejected any visit by a Jagan emissary. Cheddi Jagan would be accused of instigating PPP goon squads. At one point the Coldstream Guards were called into action to protect a Cuban freighter unloading food for the relief of Guianese. Kennedy was noncommittal. FOIA Advisory Committee Oversight Reports, The Ghosts of Langley: Into the CIA’s Heart of Darkness. New York: Bantam Books, 1976, p. 635. It was a feature of governance in British Guiana (which did not end with Prime Minister Jagan) that leaders acted unilaterally and not in a democratic fashion. Burnham’s PNC got the same share of votes in both elections—41 percent—despite heavy gerrymandering of Guianese expatriate votes. What makes GB unique is that they can operate under the CIA’s Title 50 authority for covert action. Cites involvement of Libyan military in unpopular military campaigns as key way to undermine Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi and his support of international terrorism. The Americans also got Forbes Burnham and Peter d’Aguilar to agree on mutually supportive measures. John Prados, Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA. The CIA got its way but the United States lost in this covert operation. Apply to Operations Officer, Operations Associate, Volunteer and more! That was the U.S. preference. 1075-1099. covert operation - an intelligence operation so planned as to permit plausible denial by the sponsor military operation, operation - activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign); "it was a joint operation of the navy and air force" black operation - a covert operation not attributable to the organization carrying it out cit, p. 544. Under U.S. law, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) must lead covert operations unless the president finds that another agency should do so and properly informs Congress. At the time, he wrote, “it was idle to suppose that communism in Latin America was no more than the expression of an indigenous desire for social reform.”[2] He joined American leaders and spies to take the Guianese leftist and socialist Cheddi Jagan as a communist and plot against him—or, more accurately, Schlesinger took a more relaxed view of Jagan, became isolated in the Kennedy administration, and eventually ceased to oppose the CIA’s project. FBI informants supplied details of Jagan’s comments at social events in New York, and U.S. diplomats followed his movements in London. He also issued the same directive as National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) 135. What makes this an extraordinary case also is that President John F. Kennedy did not begin this covert operation until 1962, after the Bay of Pigs failure, when that disaster had supposedly taught him to rein in the secret warriors. On top of all this is the US diplomatic mission, especially the political section that is a But in British Guiana (present-day Guyana) in the 1960s we now have a virtually unknown yet well-documented instance of use of this technique. CIA Covert Operations: From Carter to Obama, 1977-2010 provides a detailed account of the operational and diplomatic history of U.S. covert operations, encompassing the time period beginning with the inauguration of President Jimmy Carter in 1977, and concluding with the George W. Bush … Though William Howard McCabe, labor organizer, was not in Georgetown when the strike began, he arrived soon after and helped the strikers. Jagan they made a political prisoner. “My God, it’s Freedom House!” Jagan exclaimed (Document 21). The next day (Document 16) Bundy gathered senior officials to discuss pressuring both commonwealth nations on the direct rule option. Secretary Rusk held talks with Lord Home on the sidelines of a meeting in Geneva in mid-March, with British reluctance so evident that he reported back that covert action with or without London was necessary. The reasons for this are … For example, the collection contains the records of the meeting with President Ronald Reagan at which officials first discussed a blockade of Nicaragua. [13] John Prados, Safe for Democracy, quoted p. 12. Jagan anticipated a general strike but expected the unionists would exhaust their strike funds and the government would then prevail. .Zbigniew Brzezinski apprises Vice President Mondale of U.S. responses to Soviet involvement in Afghanistan, including briefing of Iranian government on Soviet activity. There were suspicions about what the CIA had to do with the collision—given the hostility between Washington and Havana. 2130 H Street, NW The big day was December 7, 1964. [17] Phillip Agee, Inside the Company: CIA Diary. Going into the London conference in October 1962, the CIA contacted Peter d’Aguilar, the United Force leader. Both D’Aguilar and Burnham pledged to support the notion of proportional representation. John Prados, Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA. If an individual wants to understand why Eisenhower’s successors were so critical of the CIA, he or she has to look at the outcomes of America’s covert regime change operations. Helms filled in details and answered questions. They cemented a British decision to unilaterally impose a proportional representation electoral format on British Guiana for a December 1964 election, after which it would become the independent nation of Guyana.
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