Le 28 avril 1964, il rejoignit le porte-avion USS Enterprise (CVN-65) et le croiseur USS Bainbridge (CGN-25) pour former la Task Force 1 composée uniquement de navires à propulsion nucléaire. 6. 4. American ships were still dry. 400 Hz motor-generator maintenance school was six weeks long and in San Diego, so I would also get six weeks at home with my family. We actually had to get permission to send a female applicant to the processing station. $31.99. Habitability wise, Arkansas was superior to Long Beach. For the longest time, the ship's rumor mill had it that if Long Beach rolled to greater than 45 degrees to either port or starboard, the ship would capsize. It's often a time when system updates and advancements are applied, as well. He died while on active duty during this tour. USS Long Beach CGN-9, Strike Hard-Strike Home, Austin, Texas. They had no idea where we were and as we gradually turned on different radars, they finally came flying right down to where we were. We later rejoined the Kitty Hawk and made a port visit in Yokosuka, Japan. S5G reactor at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. A lot of the other locals told us they were just enjoying the unplanned holiday. This is also the best place online to get statistics, information and history about the ship itself. Trip to Long Beach with my homie jacobofe_ ! I arranged with Long Beach's Engineering Officer to report directly to Long Beach and then start my transfer leave in order to start my sea duty counter 30 days earlier. Enterprise had eight reactors while Long Beach had two. Transféré à la flotte du Pacifique en février 1966, l'USS Long Beach fut déployé pendant la guerre du Viêt Nam en 1966 et 1968, principalement en piquet Radar, où il guida de nombreux raids. It takes almost two years of training before a nuclear-trained crew member reports to their first ship. Otherwise, the remainder of the weapon systems were unchanged outwardly. During this deployment, we also visited Subic Bay in the Philippines for a maintenance period, as well as Singapore (one of my favorite cities) and Pearl Harbor on the way home to San Diego. The Senior Chief Sonarman dismissed the sighting but when the submarine breached, the Sonarman ran down to the Combat Information Center! In order to get back to the west coast, I took a shore duty assignment as a recruiter in the Los Angeles Navy Recruiting District. It was during this cruise that my orders to Class “C” School at NTC Great Lakes in Illinois came. When I reported aboard Long Beach at NAS Coronado, I looked up at the ship in awe. Il fut également le premier croiseur conçu et construit pour l'US Navy après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. LONG BEACH was first assigned to the Atlantic Fleet. She was the only ship of her class and the third Navy ship named after the city of Long Beach, California. Known as "The Only Real Cruiser". $31.99. 99 $3.99 shipping The watch in Damage Control Central claimed he saw 47 degrees on the clinometer. Arkansas' missile launcher and gun mount positions seemed poorly thought out to me. Aug 1, 2019 - Its keel was laid in 1957. USS Long Beach (CLGN-160/CGN-160/CGN-9) was a nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser in the United States Navy. Die Long Beach war geplant als klassischer Kreuzer, also ein Schiff, das durchaus ohne Flotte operieren kann und soll. When she concluded she was scheduled to modify her acoustic signature and move away and Long Beach would modify her sound signature and lighting to try to sound and look like a carrier and move into place alongside Wabash. I looked around and saw khakis with shiny black shoes and heard “I only wanted one at the end of the table where I sit” from the admiral in charge of Cruiser-Destroyer Group 1 (we were the flagship). When we arrived in Subic Bay a few days later, they already had t-shirts proclaiming Kitty Hawk 'the best ASW (antisubmarine warfare) platform in the Navy' and others stating 'Kitty Hawk - 1, Victor III – 0!'. Whenever Long Beach would make a turn, it would lean in the direction of the turn first and then lean a lot in the opposite direction. In order to continue on to Nuclear Power School at Mare Island, I had to finish in the upper 50 percentile of my class. Took part in Operation Sea Orbit and the Vietnam War. All of the plank owners were given a certificate signed by the Arkansas governor Bill Clinton designating us as honorary Arkansas Travelers. 2 October 1961 — Change of Home port to Norfolk, Virginia. En-route, we crossed the international dateline at the equator enabling us 'Pollywogs' (newbies) to become 'Golden Shellbacks'—a time-honored tradition. Long Beach was originally designed without any guns and rumor has it that during sea trials someone asked one of the NAVSEA representatives what the ship would do if a patrol boat came up and shot at them and it was decided to install the five-inch guns. This also allowed me to make a quick phone call to my wife to let my family know we had arrived safely. When we left Hawaii we sailed through the 'Bear Box' with EMCON (electronic emissions control) set to see if the Russian Bear reconnaissance planes could find us. The USS Long Beach CGN-9, was the United States Navy's first nuclear powered surface warship. Regardless, the damage required Long Beach to stay in Pearl Harbor longer than planned and also necessitated going into drydock to replace the starboard shaft. This was long before the internet and email. Following Vietnam, he was on the pre-commissioning crew of USS Gray (DE-1054), then director of Storekeeper Class C School at Naval Training Center (NTC) San Diego. This, I believe was caused at least in part by a shortage of Machinist Mates who would have normally been responsible for keeping track of the shaft bearings. As we were entering the harbor where Yokosuka is located, the Cheng (Chief Engineer) gave the ship a history lesson on how we avoided severely damaging the Yokosuka Naval Base so the US Navy could use the facilities after the Second World War, especially the dry dock facilities where the Yamato was berthed during the war. For a nuclear-powered warship based in San Diego, this usually meant a trip to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, Washington. Note the SCANFAR phased array radar system mounted on the sides of her 'box' superstructure. The Aussies still had their carrier, HMAS Melbourne, but even during the photo op, she wasn't allowed too close to either the Enterprise or us because of her collision with the USS Frank E. Evans during the Vietnam War. Construction of nuclear-powered surface ships is only done at Newport News Shipyard and the maintenance is only done at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Norfolk Naval Shipyard, and the Portsmouth Naval shipyard, in addition to Newport News Shipbuilding. Pour les autres navires du même nom, voir, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=USS_Long_Beach_(CGN-9)&oldid=179463084, Navire construit à Quincy (Massachusetts), Bateau de l'US Navy de la guerre du Viêt Nam, Wikipédia:ébauche Forces armées des États-Unis, Article contenant des informations publiées par le Naval Vessel Register, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Portail:Forces armées des États-Unis/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Mise en service 9 septembre 1961, retiré le, En fin de carrière : 2 × 127 mm, 2 lanceurs Mk 10 missiles. Le croiseur USS Long Beach (CGN-9/CGLN-160/CGN-160), unique navire de sa classe, fut le 1er bâtiment de surface à propulsion nucléaire du monde. The Chief Classifier, who had attended recruiting school with me, called and told me my applicant was not going to enlist for the position he'd offered her. There was a line of well over a block to visit Long Beach and one could walk right up and go on the Melbourne. LCDR David Taylor gives us an unprecedented insight into what it took to keep America's Navy steaming full speed ahead, and what it would take to bring old ships back from the dead. Fortunately, he was over-ruled and we were allowed to leave the operation area after over 100 days continuously at sea. I was one of the most junior Second Class Petty Officers but I asked if I could take the position and I was appointed as the leading Petty Officer in charge of the 115-volt distribution outside of the propulsion plant with 13 sailors reporting to me in addition to standing my watches in the engineering plant. Can be built in 1972 and 1985 versions In progress kit by Geoff Cook: Completed kit by Geoff Cook: - retail price $350.00. 14 July 1959 — launching; Mrs. Craig Hosmer christened the ship as her sponsor. We each had to put the aforementioned four people (mainly men) in the Navy each month. The ship would only go to PSNS for nuclear-related work combined with drydocking. See more ideas about cruisers, us navy, long beach. Designed, manufactured & embroidered exclusively in the USA Due to production, please allow 5 1 August 1963 — 1s… Up on the bridge, which was on the 010 level, the ship's rolling motions were amplified dramatically because of the height. Retired from service in 1994. . selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. The USS Long Beach Association website is a place for former crew and officers of the USS Long Beach to get information about upcoming reunions and events that our association sets up. I figured more schooling couldn't hurt so my first choice was motor rewind school (you learned how to rewind motors, Long Beach had that capability) and my second choice was 400 Hz motor-generator maintenance. It spectacularly self-destructed as ordered from the launch console in Combat Information Center. I believe this altered the way the ship rode in the water as it looked like the bow was a bit lower than the stern now and it also seemed like we had a slight port list now. My friend knew a periscope when he saw one because he'd been on the USS Seadragon previously but was transferred off because of kidney stones which disqualified him from further sub duty. I had fewer than forty dollars since most of my pay went home to support my wife and son. Le nom prévu à l'origine était Brooklyn. In the pub, we met some of the locals, including some of the protesters. I was correct in that there were more good examples to learn from on the Long Beach. During my 1st tour, the CO, Captain Schrader, had us secure power to it prior to getting underway. I was told that while on station off of Vietnam, Long Beach shot down a North Vietnamese MiG with one. Since he'd been a qualified diving officer on his sub, I believed him. Long Beach was originally considered for the installation of sea-launched ICBMs, but the boomers (SSBNs) worked out and have owned the sea-based nuclear ballistic missile deterrent mission ever since. After that experience, I was very reluctant to send a female applicant for processing until I was working a booth at the Long Beach Grand Prix and met a Reserve Second Class who was a female and she relayed to me that her recruiter had been the guy who was the Chief Recruiter! After completing basic engineering qualifications, I was assigned to the electrical safety shop, ensuring the portable electrical tools were checked for safety prior to issuance. Il était le troisième navire de l'US Navy à porter le nom de la ville de Long Beach en Californie. She was the third Navy ship named after the city of Long Beach, California. As a side note, the drinking age was 18 at that time. One of the division's sailors failed to show up for the duty and the division-leading Petty Officer, an E6, was ordered to take the missing man's place. Still having fond memories of the Long Beach, it was an easy choice for me to return to sea duty on her and this time as a Chief. Für ein solches Schiff, das den Auftrag hat, allein und unbemerkt als mobile Startrampe zu dienen, ist die Bewaffnung zur Selbstverteidigung besonders wichtig, weshalb das Schiff mit starken Luftverteidigungswaffen bestückt wurde. I graduated from high school in San Diego in June 1972 and attended Mesa Community College for a while, but wasn't ready. Sa construction fut interrompue pendant cinq mois à la suite d'une grève. Arkansas had a bit less than one-half the number of Long Beach's crew. Long Beach was laid down 2 December 1957, launched 14 July 1959 and commissioned 9 September 1961. So, I looked at what my best options were for receiving an education and training. Long Beach was also planned to have the Regulus cruise missile but that program was dropped also. Soon after we noticed the Victor III on the surface, dead in the water. 2 December 1957 — Keel laid in Bethlehem Steel Company's Fore River Shipyard, Quincy, Massachusetts. © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Brookline Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. Just as Kitty Hawk started to move away from Wabash, they passed a canex (cancel the exercise) call over ship-to-ship communications followed by "I think we (the Kitty Hawk) hit something.".
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