Yes, I - I had to get out of that theatre, that's all. Yes, of course. About a retired professor moving into the big house on the edge of the moor. The only way I can clear myself is to expose those spies. If I stay here with you, they'll think we're together. HANNAY: No, thank you. Don't crowd the aisle! Tell me, how did you start being a criminal? Is there anything wrong? (IN BG) Ask him any question you like and he will answer fully and freely-- They are dressed in day suits, smart, respectable. PAMELA: Hannay? Will you help me? Isabel Jewel, featured in such hit films as "Lost Horizon" and "Marked Woman" is heard as Annabella, and Gene Lockhart, top-flight character actor back from the New York stage, is Mr. Memory. Did she tell you what this foreign agent looked like? SFX: LIBRARY DOOR SHUTS HEAVILY, CUTS OFF PARTY GUESTS. What is it? Well, I suppose you know what you're doing. Sleeping on the couch? Well, you're playing a fool if you ask me. "Knows too much," he says. Er, Hawkinson. Who? Imagine -- tied to you for ten years. How do you do? The Hamlet Thrill-ma-geddon (one-act) by Don Zolidis . Well. BIZ: BRIEF PALLADIUM AUDIENCE APPLAUSE. It's really very interesting. Gentlemen, no fighting! They might, in this weather. Yes, they're rather large, aren't they? AUDITIONS FOR THE MPS PERFORMING ARTS WINTER DUAL PRODUCTIONS OF TWO CLASSIC RADIO PLAYS: THE 39 STEPS: A LIVE RADIO PLAY by Joe Landry based on the movie by Alfred Hitchcock AND THE WAR OF THE WORLDS: THE 1938 RADIO SCRIPT by Howard E. Koch based on the novel by H.G. Why, you--! This is the Columbia Broadcasting System. It hadn't occurred to me that-- Stop the car, please. 1ST POLICE: I can't. Oh, all right, if you don't care--, (SLEEPILY) Don't care. It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play (short version) adapted by Joe Landry. TRANSITIONAL PAUSE ... AUTO DRIVES ON QUIET ROAD ... THEN IN BG. SFX: TWO LOUD GUN SHOTS, AUDIENCE FALLS SILENT FOR AN INSTANT UNTIL--, AUDIENCE PANICS, SHOUTS ... MUCH NOISE AND CONFUSION ... CONTINUES IN BG. Ladies and gentlemen! (IN BG) Questions? MR. MEMORY, The General Atmosphere: BEAT ... FRONT DOOR OPENS. No, I'm not. DETECTIVE DETECTIVE: That'll keep, laddie. comment. Nothing, I just wanted to know who my benefactress was, that's all. Of all the outrageous things! In a hurry, please. It concerns a Swiss opera singer who volunteered in the French Red Cross as an entertainer. You - you will help me, won't you? Grab him before he gets to the vestibule! It'll hide the handcuffs. He was then thirty-four years of age; am I right, sir? Oh, don't worry, I don't hold it against you really. Where are you taking us? Remind students to follow the radio play script formatting. The newspapers could then announce tomorrow morning that the murderer had taken his own life. Any objections to telling me yours? Home; Episodes; Main content. HANNAY: I killed my first man when I was nineteen. Inspired by Hitchcock's classic tale and performed as a live period radio play, this romantic thriller is a fast-paced ride through the signature world of the Master of Suspense. You'd better stand here by the fire and get warm. For your loyalty to our product, Lux says thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and brings you another hour of entertainment direct from the film capital. A little matter of work while you had your nightmares. HANNAY: There's someone coming. They call me Hannay, the Cornish Bluebeard. opportunity to play a role supporting you as you awaken the desire for learning in your students. FADE IN ON MOVING TRAIN BACKGROUND ... CARRIAGE DOOR OPENS AND SHUTS. We return now to Mr. DeMille and our play. Two of them. Oh, about four or five hours ago. Where are you? eScripts now available! [X], PONY AND TRAP MOVE DOWN DIRT ROAD ... THEN IN BG. The Air Ministry are positive that no papers are missing that would be of any possible use to spies. I'll buy a big box of Lux and give it to her with the stockings. PROFESSOR No, no, don't do that. The Thirty-Nine Steps is a secret organisation, headed by Professor--. (UNCOMFORTABLE) Will you please move over? (NO ANSWER) Well, speak up! HANNAY: Well. No. HANNAY: That's quite right, old chap. Listen, you've got to help me. (READS) "The police are hot on the trail and watching with careful eyes all points of departure from London.". Recorded im front of a live audience in the Sigurd K. Lee theater in the Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center. Despised by his wife and family, ostracized by his friends, he became a cattle buyer for the British army. 8 INT. What's in Kinreach? DOOR OPENS. PAMELA: Yes. Louis Silvers appeared through courtesy of Twentieth Century-Fox studios, where he was in charge of music for the new picture, "Love and Hisses." PAMELA: (LOW) Yes, but they'll catch us! Well, you needn't be. HANNAY: My dear girl, I'm accused of murder. lux radio theater (154) the 39 steps Air Date: 12.13.1937 ( December 13, 1937) Plot: + The Lux Radio Theatre. Order Now. Lux keeps the silk nice and springy, so it doesn't break so easily into runs. (ANGRY) You shut yer mouth, young fella! Just dip them in Lux suds every day. He's probably lying dead in a ditch! Or I'll shut it for ye. It seems to me there's only one way out. PAMELA: Oh, stop jerking my arm. He is the You can depend upon that. They wear very well if you're careful about washing. 2ND VOICE Richard Hannay stirs restlessly in the armchair and rubs his eyes sleepily. Listen to me. USHER: Pardon me, sir, but there's a gentleman who would like to speak to you. Looks like an inn. Do you actually mean you're going to the police with this story? (CHUCKLES) I mean, really. PROFESSOR: What? Eh, Joe? Why don't you give yourself up? I was trying to do the same for you but the file broke. Thank you. I'll go with you willingly. (COOLLY) Inside, Pamela. 2ND VOICE: Right. General!Manager! Never Eat a Talking Lobster by Steph DeFerie. But she always says sheer stockings are extravagant. Exactly. PAMELA: Oh, give yourself up to Scotland Yard. PAMELA FILES THE HANDCUFFS ... CONTINUES IN BG. I turn you back now to Mr. DeMille. She meant for you to kill me, not to bring me information. - Enjoy Radio Scripts from the Golden Age of Radio! But you're hurt. WOMAN (1 line) You want me to hang for a murder I didn't commit? (MOVING OFF) Oh, thank you, I just remembered something. SFX: RATTLE OF BEDROOM DOOR KNOB. THE 39 STEPS . And if you touch me or make a move to jump, I'll turn this car into a ditch. and various crowds, From Hollywood, California, the Lux Radio Theatre presents Robert Montgomery and Ida Lupino in "The 39 Steps.". (LOW) Come on. BETTY And, in the meantime, you're perched on a fence, eh? But you might ask him if he knows - Annabella Smith. MR. MEMORY: Yes? Your tools are limited – voices, sound effects, and music – but your palette is limitless – the human imagination. A hardened criminal will sleep any time. What's your name? Thank you. Uh, you say the police are on this train looking for you? 1ST SCOT: We are handcuffin' ye to your friend here. HANNAY: Thirty-Nine Steps. Can't you find the right one? Lori!Marchand! Turn around. I admire your pluck, but you keep a civil tongue in your head. 3RD VOICE: Mr. Memory? Scripts are a great tool for any broadcaster, so before you start writing you need to recognise what you’re trying to get across with your script and how best to convey it. With your kind permission and attention, I now have the honour to present to you one of the most remarkable men in the world. (NORTHERN SCOTS ACCENT) Are you going to stay long in Kinreach, laddie? Well, I'm thinking you'd better try somewhere else then. U.S. RADIO DRAMA FORMAT Written by Matt Carless . It's actually only two one-thousandths of an inch thick. HANNAY: May I ask what earthquake caused your mind to work at last? The 39 Steps Synopsis: Richard Hannay, a mining engineer on holiday from the African colonies, finds London socialite life terribly dull. HANNAY: Yes. But now they're restless. (CHUCKLES) So you want the story of my life. What a bloodthirsty creature you are. (SLY) Well, it's the real head we're going to see. That would be just fine, that would. No, I hid behind the counter. Thirty or forty years. 1ST POLICE: Come back here, you! Where is he, sir? This isn't the way to the sheriff's office. HANNAY: Scotland Yard? Dear, dear. DAY. You might have read about me in the papers. Am I right? The police station. They - they came through the window. The Thirty-Nine Steps 10 of 184 the first man you meet is Prince von und Zu Something, an elegant young man who talks Eton-and-Harrow English. I had to do something to create a disturbance. Drugs Are Bad by Jonathan Rand. The 39 Steps: A Live Radio Play by TILT Performance Group Sep. 16 - Sep. 23, 2016 Thursday-Saturday. Lux presents Hollywood. Richard, what is it? See below for what is new on the site or click on a letter under "Radio Scripts". His example will always remain a shining light to Americans who seek to serve in the silent, secret and sometimes inglorious ways of espionage. Usage Public Domain Topics Radio Theatre Group. People also viewed: It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play (short version) adapted by Joe Landry. plus-circle Add Review. HANNAY: Say, you're all right. Otherwise, I might feel the next killing was a bit overdue. Come on. I see. Take 'em to our car. (AMUSED) Oh, of course you didn't. And if we see 'em again, blast you, shoot straight. Well?! You don't know how clever their chief is. Everybody, keep your seats! What are you staring at? "The Thirty-Nine Steps". Play something! Stop that man! Get him? Don't you see? In the first place, the show's almost over. MFX: BRIDGE. You can't escape. They'll never find us now. Gaumont-British will shortly release "The Girl Was Young," starring Nova Pilbeam and Derrick De Marney, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Come in. (CHUCKLES) Oh, I'm not quite convinced of that yet. The General Atmosphere: … I'm getting out. If your business is big, you get behind him and find a prognathous Westphalian with a retreating brow and the manners of a hog. BRIEF BRISK BRIDGE ... CHANGES TO JAUNTY PALLADIUM ORCHESTRA, THEN IN BG. You know, rubbing stockings with a cake of soap is bad for them; and some soaps are strong -- too harsh for delicate silk things. HANNAY: (CLOSE AGAIN) Well, I - I suppose I must. One day, and we fought for twenty-four hours. "You will die a thousand deaths," he told them, "before oblivion comes; while the man in the trenches dies but once." PROFESSOR: Behind that table. Maybe that'll help. A question from anyone in the audience! Yes. He took a good look at her and immediately ordered his women assistants to search her. HANNAY: A map of Scotland? No, it's no use. That's why they're after me now! A radio play script follows a distinctive format that allows the playwright to convey how sound and music will be used in the performance. Maybe that'll scare 'em. Purchase tickets at Those men are acting quickly. Which room are these men in? She's an excellent musician and painter, can speak the language of the deaf and dumb, whistles as well as a farmboy, likes to wear sneakers and is a prize mimic. HANNAY: We had an accident with our car a few miles back. We'll have to get out and shoo them off. BUTLER ROWDY WOMAN: Hey! Oh, so that was what they was a-doing, eh? episodes of Lux Radio Theater. I'll sleep on the couch here in the living room. Oh, no, you're not. Oh, yes. Haven't I? Keep down. Nothing. The 39 Steps by Radio Theatre Group. Here it is! ANNABELLA: Oh, it wasn't the panic that frightened me. Clear the aisles there, will you?! Why, he's one of the best-liked men in the village and a very good friend of the sheriff's. During our first intermission, and while waiting for Act II of "The 39 Steps," starring Robert Montgomery and Ida Lupino, we'd like you to go with us to one of the millions of homes where Christmas secrets are in the air and listen in on a very interesting conversation. Not by us, it ain't. PAMELA: When I got free, I went downstairs. He didn't kill anybody! Scripts are listed by the first noun in the title. Hmm. The war that they are ready for rarely comes. The qualifications today, Mr. DeMille, are exactly the same as in Biblical times and the instructions which are taught follow very closely those which Moses gave to his men when he sent them forth to spy out the land of Canaan to learn what the land contained; the strength of the enemy; if the people were content; and how strong were the walls. 2!! Your skin gets rough and red. But they asked the innkeeper about us. HANNAY: The same man who shot me a few minutes ago. How about getting her some of the lovely sheer ones we saw in the store today? Are you in the cinema? Robert Montgomery and Ida Lupino will be back shortly, when we raise the curtain on Act III in this play about spies. And you're manacled to a murderer who would stop at nothing to get you off his hands. I can try it anyhow. MFX: BRIDGE. No. (BEAT) Ooh! Soon, a mysterious organization called “The 39 Steps” is hot on the man’s trail in a nationwide manhunt that climaxes in a death-defying finale! RICHARD HANNAY / ROBERT MONTGOMERY TICKET INSPECTOR: One, sir? Administration ! (IN BG) --millions and millions of facts! No, thank you. But they did say that he was going to London first to pick up someone at a music hall. BUTLER: Yes, sir. LUX THEME ... CONTINUES IN BG, OUT AT [X]. CB Demille "directs" another Lux show "Lux presents...Hollywood!" CRASH! When I say jump, jump and run for your life. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. I thank you. Well, Miss Stuart. 2ND SCOT: You dinna suppose they'd head in somewhere, do you? You were very anxious to, if I remember correctly. The special guest of the evening will be the creator of Mickey Mouse and the Silly Symphonies, Mr. Walt Disney. Begin tomorrow to keep your hands lovely by washing dishes with Lux Flakes. Wells Audition Instructions: Your… You listen to a bit of advice. Here, get after him! Generic Radio Workshop Script Library (Downloadable Text File) Series: Lux Radio Theater ... "The 39 Steps" lead an old friend and a newcomer, Robert Montgomery and Ida Lupino, to the stage of the Lux Radio Theatre. Suits you. Behind him through the door come two men, ACKERMAN and ENGEL. SFX: LIBRARY DOOR OPENS ... PARTY GUESTS AUDIBLE AGAIN. Yes, miss. All right, Joe. HANNAY: Come on, we'll get the next train for London. What do you mean by standing in front of my car? HANNAY: (APPROACHES) Sorry, lady. Mar 1, 2018 - Explore Betony Main's board "39 Steps" on Pinterest. HANNAY: Gentleman called "The Professor.". There's a hole in one side of it. Below you will also find a resource for radio drama scripts that can be used with character exercises that emphasize voice for action. You can have my bedroom. HANNAY: You're going about it in a very amateurish fashion anyway. Who was she? I'm - sorry if I hurt your wrist. Meanwhile, I'll admit that you're the white man's burden. All right, on your feet now. BUTLER: Hannay? Let the lady through there! The play's concept calls for the entirety of the 1935 adventure film The 39 Steps to be performed with a cast of only four. Yes. AUTO SLOWS TO A STOP WHILE TOOTING ITS HORN. Welcome to King's Head Tavern. SFX: LIBRARY DOOR SHUTS, CUTS OFF PARTY GUESTS. It's terribly important that I be free for the next few days. PAMELA: Did you think I was never coming? London music hall. Then they ordered something to eat, and while they were eating, they talked a lot about, er-- Oh, about the Thirty-Nine Steps. You'll be catching cold. Not exactly, but I was getting nervous waiting. HANNAY: Certainly, gentlemen. Do not hesitate. You're the one she--? Oh, thanks for the nice boost, Bob. (CHUCKLES) No, it's just an unusual name. Robert Montgomery, Ida Lupino, Isabel Jewel and Gene Lockhart - continue with "The 39 Steps. HANNAY: Say, what's wrong with you? What's the matter? HANNAY: Smith? PAMELA: (LAUGHS) That's very funny. From the beginning, I hadn't a chance. MAJ. RUSSELL: And no better example can be found, Mr. DeMille, than that patriot of revolutionary war, John Honeyman. The 39 Steps: Inspired by Hitchcock's classic tale and performed as a live period radio play, this romantic thriller is a fast-paced ride through the signature world of the Master of Suspense. She was killed by a foreign agent who was trying to steal it. He's the one who shot him! And what can I do for you and the lady? All right, very well then. I am of course referring to patriotic spies -- not mercenaries. BETTY: Now the door is closed, we can talk. SFX: APPLAUSE, BRIEF INTRO ... LIGHT AND BRISK ... THEN IN BG, OUT AT [X], A London Music Hall. Well, the trouble is I've found the right two! STAGE MANAGER: But listen here, I don't--, Do as he tells you, please. I'm just playing a hunch, that's all. They'd listen to you. Then a little pocket-picking and car-pinching. How is he, Doctor? Program I-12, Annabella pulls out Gun I-14, Annabella shoots into air Rim shot or cap? Playscripts, Inc. brings new plays and musicals (theater scripts) to professional, school, community, and college theaters to perform, read and enjoy. And Bob is a man who really uses his library, for he's constantly seeking new screen material. John Buchan - The 39 Steps. PAMELA: Ooh. Suddenly, he jumps from the chair and stands in the middle of the room, staring down at the handcuffs which are dangling from his wrist. Thank you, thank you. My name is Richard Hannay. Mr. Memory? The rooms are at the top of the landing. BETTY: Aunt Sally? Why not? Annabella? SFX: LAST TOOTS OF AUTO HORN. Here, what are you doing? I'll get you out of this! Keep your mouth shut! I've had enough of your insults. HANNAY: Would you like to have a small bet with me, Pamela Stuart? ANNABELLA: (WEAK, DYING) Oh, I--. We can talk in the library. And Ida has been indulging in her favorite avocation, composing music. HANNAY: (TO DETECTIVE) I'm going to prove to you that the man who shot Memory is the murderer of Annabella Smith. HANNAY: Wait, officer. Oh, he doesn't know my name. That's rather pretty. Like his work with NTB, the stage version of The 39 Steps is a madcap comedy with few actors, in this case four, who play … I was riding in a taxi-cab down Hollywood Boulevard; the street was crowded with Christmas traffic; when all of a sudden, the noise seemed to take the form and tempo of a melody. You're bleeding. (TO THE SCOTS) Am I right, gentlemen? Greetings from Hollywood, ladies and gentlemen. INNKEEPER: And will it be two separate rooms, or one? Are you the police? Yes, of course I will. On a train, wasn't it? Be the first one to write a review. One long, drawn out battle for the next thirty or forty years. Something I've just sent to London. Ladies and gentlemen! I'm - I'm waiting for someone. Listen. ANNABELLA: (NERVOUS) I-- Oh, I'm in terrible trouble. 1ST VOICE Well, don't jab me in the wrist that way. Come on, we don't want any excitement here. What's the use? standard military text book on this subject. Oh, now, you - you don't mean Professor Bartlett? I didn't ask to come with you. On Honeyman's unsupported testimony, Washington made his celebrated crossing [and] won his celebrated victory that turned the tide. Look. You don't mind if I stretch out in the chair, do you? DOWNLOAD OPTIONS … PAMELA: Oh, wait. ANNABELLA SMITH (OVERLAPS ABOVE, FIRMLY) One room, please. What? This device renders the engine completely -- silent. I was born a poor orphan boy. Do you think we could keep it up that long? Voila! Are the Thirty-Nine Steps in Scotland? HANNAY: Yes, of course. Mr. Jack Joel's Humorist, Steve Donoghue up, won by a length, odds six to one; am I right sir? What makes it doubly important that I shouldn't let you go is that I am just about to transfer some very vital information out of the country. In The 39 Steps, a man with a boring life meets a woman with a thick accent who says she’s a spy. This is silly. There's a dangerous conspiracy against this country and I'm the only man who can stop it. Yes. I suppose you're here to dig up some big state secret. We'll pose as man and wife -- and they won't pay any attention to us. left hand corner. (CALMLY) Quite all right, thank you. I present "Mr. Memory"! Thank you, Major, that's very interesting. Before this country entered the world war, Major Russell temporarily loaned his services to Scotland Yard as one of their American operatives. The amateur live stage performance rights to . Unfortunately, I did. (MOVING OFF) I'll play your game a bit further. DEMILLE: To me, one of the truest utterances of the great French general, Marshal Foch, was his statement to a group of his espionage agents. Because I'm what you would call a - a professional spy. My feet are tired. Memory?!" His magnificent services were never announced until Washington himself made a special trip to Hackensack and publicly proclaimed him one of the greatest heroes of the American Revolution. HANNAY: All right, I will! Oh, it's as black as pitch on this moor. HANNAY: We want to see Mr. Memory. And there are patriots, who risk their lives solely for the protection of their country, who receive the smallest monetary rewards and whose names never get into the newspapers. HANNAY: I suppose you filed the handcuffs. Take a good, deep breath. The body was lying there on the floor. One day she started to cross and found a new officer in charge. Spies may be roughly divided into two classes. Well, blow your horn. There is no sting in the very gentle, soothing Lux suds. Yes, but I'm innocent; I swear I'm innocent. Listen, you don't think I'm going to spend the night in this room with you? Honeyman returned to his New Jersey home after the war, still an outcast, still an object of hate and scorn.
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